I wish AMR the best of luck in his debate against Halsey. That being said, I don't see it accomplishing much. For one, Halsey is a Jewish disinformation agent, he has both a personal and professional interest in this matter, he has been given all the talking points as well as sources (doesn't matter if they're true or not).
Also, TFM's audience is already aware of this and Halsey's followers are probably mostly Jewish.
So whose minds will this debate change?
@Scubbie @Based_Accelerationist Aliens clearly built the pyramids. Unfortunately they left earth when they inbred Hebrews into existence.
@shortstories @Zeb @Scubbie @Based_Accelerationist be careful Halsey might go back to his home dimension if you do that
@Gonzo17 @Zeb @Scubbie @Based_Accelerationist
There was a Rabbi who said something like that Jews are aliens from another galaxy who have a mission on earth and that they will one day find they are called to meet up to carry out the mission even though they have lived on earth a long time and forgot about the mission
@shortstories @Zeb @Scubbie @Based_Accelerationist we should give them a one way ticket to the Sun.
@Gonzo17 @Zeb @Scubbie @Based_Accelerationist
People with parents who called themselves Jews who do not practice the kike religion and do not support anti goy practices and who have denounced the kike religion as evil should not be punished just because their parents practiced the kike religion
@shortstories @Zeb @Scubbie He'll say what every other "right wing" Jewish pundit says. Oh it had to do with the fact they were at war when they wrote that, here's the actual context, etc.etc. and it's not as if the bible doesn't have exaggerations either that Christians ignore. You're just focusing on whatever little details you can twist to your cause, because you hate Jews. Etc.
There is always an excuse or a convoluted story to muddy the waters. It just takes creativity.
@Based_Accelerationist @shortstories @Zeb
The"Jew on a Stick" pagans always find an excuse or a convoluted story to muddy the waters. It just takes creativity to disprove Christians,as Crypto Jews do to discredit the Gospel,If one studies the Bible with enlightenment that those that say they are God's chosen but are not,and are of the Serpents Seed their father the Devil,then truth is revealed,instead of seething against stumbling blocks, seek wisdom,Why does the modern Jew Defy Christ gospel?
@Scubbie @shortstories @Zeb That's quite the convoluted story you got there.
It doesn't take any creativity to disprove a "holy book", it just takes logic and knowledge. The creativity is in those books.
And we're not "pagans" for not falling for them, we're just not emotionally bound to a book.
Jews always defied Christianity, ever since they drove the first Christians out of Israel and got them to convert the Roman goyim instead. They love the gospel for you, they just hate it for them.
@Based_Accelerationist @Scubbie @Zeb
Look the fact that the Rabbis continue to endorse discrimination against Goyim with a goal of the execution or slavery of all of them to so called Jews shows that Sanhedrin 57a was not just some narrow context
@Based_Accelerationist @Scubbie @Zeb
The so called Jews were at war against Goyim for thousands of years whether the Goyim were kind or mean to them. And I would suggest that when the Goyim were accused of being mean to them they were simply trying to defend themselves seeing how Jews behaved when Goyim treated them kindly. When Goyim do not go to war against so called Jews then Jews still go to war against Goyim
@Based_Accelerationist @Scubbie @Zeb
The Israelites that God appointed to be prophets in the Old Testament generally trash talked the other Israelites. If people who claim to be of Jewish ancestry acted like the Old Testament prophets then they would have been called self hating Jews today and the ADL and other Jewish organizations would try to censor them or worse
@Based_Accelerationist @Scubbie @Zeb
Paraphrasing my understanding due to word limit
Genesis 15 God promises to give Israelites the land when the people they will drive out reaches full wickedness
Deuteronomy 9 God says he has given the Israelites the land because of the wickedness of the people in it
Leviticus 18 & Leviticus 20 God says he will vomit out the Israelites from the land if they do the same as the people driven out
Rest of the Bible- Israelites driven out for bad behavior
@Based_Accelerationist @Scubbie @Zeb
For the most part the Israelites were villains in the old testament who were punishing other villains in exchange for their stuff and then the Israelites were later punished for being villains and had their stuff taken after they continued to be villains after punishing other villains and taking their stuff
@Zeb @Scubbie @Based_Accelerationist
"I want to submit questions ahead of time for debate"
If I got to ask Halsey one question it would be to ask what Sanhedrin 57a means when it says,
"if a gentile murders another gentile, or a gentile murders a Jew, he is liable. If a Jew murders a gentile, he is exempt"
as it is written: “And the earth was corrupt before God” (Genesis 6:11), presumably referring to a transgression, and the school of Rabbi Yishmael taught:...