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Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted

@sardonicsmile Do the men think it's a big deal? They seem to be fine with it, so much so they choose to die in battle rather than fighting the men who draft them.

Zeb 摆烂 boosted

"— 🇮🇱/🇸🇾/🇯🇴 Israeli invasion of Syria: Map Update (17th Dec.)

In addition to the towns and localities already occupied by the IDF in recent days, Israel is now confirmed to have captured Saida Al-Jolan, Al-'Arida, Mawzarah, Ma'ariyya, Al-Kuwayya, Bayt Arrah, and Umm Batinah.

But even more importantly, Israel took control of the Al-Wahda Dam on the Yarmouk river reservoir near the town of Al-Qusayr in Syria's Daraa Governorate on the border with the Kingdom of Jordan, which provides for approximately 30% of Syria's fresh water supply, and 40% of the fresh water supply of Jordan."

From @Middle_East_Spectator

With control of the water supply, Israeli governments will be able to "turn off" the supply of safe water to Damascus and Amman as easily as they do to Gaza.

It also opens the possibility of diverting that water to grow cash crops. The Israeli government would need to organise hydroengineering works, but I'm sure Western taxpayers can be tapped to pay as "foreign aid".
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
SARRRRR you fuckn cannot fuckn do that you fuckn fuckn. Stop haten on fuxking super powah indiaaaaa ahh ahhhhh ahhhh. This is fucking fucki g.

Zeb 摆烂 boosted

I think it's funny how we never had female school shooters until they started roiding women with testosterone who identified as men.

I get why the government wants to promote effeminate men and cut boys dicks off, but transmen are becoming a real menace.

They have all the violent tendencies of men without the IQ or second order thinking of men.

Congratulations, you've recreated black people.

Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
well after the hurricane debacle in NC , at least trump is getting rid of the current jew leader of FEMA

for a new jew leader of FEMA.... so based
Zeb 摆烂 boosted

Tags: 4chan, capitalism, degeneracy, lgbt, sexual_degeneracy, trans
Source: The booru is down for now
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Zeb 摆烂 boosted

If you can't see the connection between tolerance for people that say the earth is flat and tolerance for men that say they identify as a 6 year old girls, you're part of the problem.

Zeb 摆烂 boosted

This is a US Supreme Court Justice, and you still think the country can be saved.

Zeb 摆烂 boosted
Zeb 摆烂 boosted
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