
Top 3 countries I'm thinking to move to 2023:

1. Thailand
I have people I know there
The weather is fantastic
Cost of living is on point

2. Brazil
Weather's warm
Great food
Excellent for my work

3. Mexico
Weak central gov
Dirt cheap to live
No Vax bullshit when covid was around

@basedbagel My only issue with south america is that it is too lawless. Trust me I don't like government a ton, but I do think I would prefer a major BRICS economy at least. Where the trade off is some more guaranteed rule of law. In the way that's not gang/mafia esq

@basedbagel If I could move in 2023:

1.) Belarus. Diet Russia that has taken in some WASP esc american citizens wanting out if I remember correctly.

2.) Norway. Would be a likely easier job move for me. They're an energy necessity to the Euros and do have splits in policy with them.

3.) India. Major BRICS Nation, another easier job move. English speaking in the area I'd move to. Just shitty streets.

4.) Vietnam/Singapore. Also job locales, but would have a massive cultural/language shift.


The language barrier is a big one. I'm learning spanish right now and while its coming along faster than I though I still have a long way to go.

Belarus is too cold for me but if it works for you that's all that matters.

Does Norway have a balanced budget?

India would be nice but their corruption gives me pause.

Other than that good list


I agree with you but if you know the right people and keep a low profile you'll be okay.

I just wouldn't use any of their local banks.

@basedbagel If I was going to flee to a South America country to start over it would be to either Argentina,Peru,Chile,Paraguay and Uruguay things to consider gun laws,residency and cost of living,Asia would be a no go if WWIII is ongoing,as the islands would be the front line

@basedbagel I recommend Mexico, it is full of blue eyed white ppl and no matter where u go there will always be someone who speaks english always, just make sure u dress poor.

Really?! @37712 there's a critical mass of white people in Mexico? News to me

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