
Lex Friedman gives me glowies vibes.

How did he blow up out of nowhere?

No disrespect but his show is nothing special he just has fire guests.

Does anyone know anything about his background?

@basedbagel I agree and his videos will auto play even if you aren’t subscribed to him after another video ends not to mention he hated on Kanye 2024

@basedbagel Look at him as the establishment response to Joe Rogan.

Here's a question. Does he say anything interesting at all? Or are his takes all boring and centrist?

@basedbagel For example, how do we know that Jimmy Kimmel, Steven Colbert, etc. are regime mouthpieces?

They're corporate. They're highly promoted by the establishment. Everything they say is in line with regime narrative boundaries. They're bluepilled sleeping pills for the masses of dumbasses.

Thank you!

I'm so glad I have alt tech because I thought I was the only one seeing this.

Dude is milktoasty as they come yet rakes in viewers and got millions of subs out of nowhere with no backlash.

Rogan has a long documented history of his organic rise and the establishment HATES him.

Though IMO Rogan isn't even that controversial but I guess he is for normies

@basedbagel I do not think so. He is pretty normal and he is friend of Joe Rogan.

I often listen his podcast. He most of the times bring quests for topics around technology and science.

Like Joe Rogan but more with science.

He is pretty much neutral. But I can be wrong when he had CEO of pfizer and Fauci on his podcast.

Do you have any other idea of how he rose to prominence? because all I know is that one day he was in my recommended with millions of views.

Which I found very suspicious like Justglowiethings

@basedbagel He pretty much make podcast for around 5 years and he invites lots of famous people so the subs and views should go up.

But I think when he did podcast with Joe Rogan that gave him better clout.

I would be surprised if he did not become famous and for YT algorithm he should be good when he does not talk much about Conspiracy Theories and controversial issues.

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