
Does male sexual harassment really bother you?

I'll be honest I personally IDGAF.

I've been catcalled, groped by horny nurses and every time I felt fantastic and got a giant ego boost.

Unless it's at work I really don't care about a woman sexualizing me but I'm curious what you guys think.

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@basedbagel I think you need to be sexually harassed properly until you change your mind


Chill! I'm not talking about rape.

I'm just talking 'about women showing open displays of horniness doesn't bother me.

But on reddit I see alot of guys complaining about the double standard which is fair... but I just don't care lol

I'm open to being wrong but I think most guys are just being dramatic.

Women are here to get fucked so its no big deal if they're horny every now and again

@basedbagel of course men don't care. They can go throughout their entire lives without ever seeing open affection from women. Hence we need stoicism. Women, however, receive affirmation & affection every single day. Until they hit the wall, then it diminishes & they seethe.

However it must not become normal in an office setting. Men will let their guard down and do something stupid. Men don't report women, but women would report you over anything in a heartbeat. Women need to fear the rules.

@basedbagel the rules they themselves got put into place with their eternal victimhood whining.


Well said, the workpla'ce should be for work and nothing else.

In that case I'm with you 100%

But it's getting so dry out here I call the wall a myth.

I know a bitch in her 50's with a sugar daddy hoeing about.

The bar now so low if you just don't abuse drugs or get fat you can be a hoe forever.

@basedbagel if the bar is low it's the men's fault. No standards.


True, it's a sad state of affairs but it's okay.

As soon as my biz takes off I'm taking the 1st flight out of the country and never looking back.

I already have my 2nd passport.

I love America but I can't stay here the rest of my life or I'll go insane.

@ButtWorldsMan @basedbagel His mamalia is from Somalia but they have Bagel Ovens in every city

I'm so sick of the rampant Anti-Bagelism.@Scubbie

I'm calling the ADL they'ret taking your shoes away ASAP.

But to answer your question @ButtWorldsMan For opsec reasons I can't disclose the specifigc country but It's a non-western country.

I recommend you check your ancestry and see what you can finesse because that's what I did.

Then you'll be immune to bullshit like vaccine passports.

@basedbagel Sounds like they eat a lot of bagels where you work.Be a Monk or a Eunuch

@Scubbie Thero you go again speaking about bagelcide.

Noone is going to eat me!

But a couple baddies can lick me if they ask nicely😎

@basedbagel You speak like a monk and squawk like a Eunuch

@basedbagel how would you feel if you were being sexually harassed by gay men who were bigger and stronger than you?

@Tfmonkey This is an unfair statement but I'll bite.

Gays are mentally ill degenerates that only reproduce by raping\confusing people so I would be justifiably terrified and probably to fight back or run away

They should know that 95% of guys think that shit is repulsive and satanic and keep that shit to themselves.

I know I sound extreme but remember that you can't have normalization of pedos as MAPs without the gay shit being okay 1st.

@basedbagel It's very fair because the reason sexual harassment makes women (but not men) uncomfortable is because men can easily physically dominate and rape them, but the same is not true for men.

If an unattractive women hits on you and even pinches your butt, you can smile and laugh it off because there is no way she's going to physically overpower you and rape you, so you're not afraid of her.

That's why I brought up the gay men who are bigger and stronger than you.

@Tfmonkey Ok I see what you're saying now.

My question was meant to be to guys who are bothered by sexual harassment.

I get why it would bother woman, that makes perfect sense.

But I saw a reddit post whining about females sexually harassing him and I just didn''t get it lol.

I got down-voted to hell so noone answered in good faith why I should care about a woman's advances, so I wanted to ask on here.

Every time a woman has touched me inappropriately I enjoyed it.

Every. Single. Time.

@basedbagel Those posts are written by women LARPing as men to combat "toxic masculinity", or by effeminate bottoms.

@Tfmonkey It's gotta be!

And tbh after the twitter files I can't tell a bot from an agent from a normie.

At least on this server I can be reasonably certain the FBI isn't here spreading their nonsense.

@Scubbie @Tfmonkey This kind of toxic anti-bagelist rhetoric is why it's normalized for my people to be holocausted daily.

It weighs on me by the day and cuts deep.

A wound so deep only f̶r̶e̶e̶ ̶m̶o̶n̶e̶y̶
̶reparations can heal

@basedbagel @Tfmonkey The bottom 80% of the male Bagel community are made into Eunuchs

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