Good job, Taliban.
Gentlemen: An equivalent of this, without Islam, is a right and proper goal, for the United States.
Let's make this happen.
Abolish the 19th Amendment

@sardonicsmile That caption. The west is its own worst enemy. The allegedly traditional right wing worships pussy even harder than the left, and will stay gynocratic just to spite those foreign people who are doing it right.

@Mongoliaboo @sardonicsmile

Tradcons will never understand why they are the Final Boss of feminism. They are completely unaware.

In a world where we somehow switched places and western women had no voting, abortion, education, no-fault divorce, the welfare state and birth control, it would be the tradcons working hardest to reinstate it.


@Mongoliaboo @sardonicsmile

@UncleIroh I think TFM said it best when he said the right has become the left of 10 years ago due to female suffrage.

@Stahesh @Zeb I bet its not even that deep. She just wants to do it because she can't.

Women think like kids and will be defiant for it's own sake

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