So nobody was gonna tell me about the gay shit in Cowboy Bebop huh?

That's cool I see how it is

@basedbagel - There was gay shit?? 🤔🤔

I mean, Edward was very tomboy... and Spike's perm always seemed effeminate to me, but then I learned it's apparently a Yakuza trope... and I had a good think about cultural differences, and how funny they can be.

But other than that, I don't remember much of any gay shit. Well, unless it's the Netflix live-action. 😅😂🤣

@YoMomz @basedbagel ask not if there was homosexual activity. Ask why the bagel was so desperate to find it.

@ButtWorldsMan @YoMomz

You're missing some context.

I made a poll asking if I should watch the show because I'm busy and don't want to waste my time.

I foolishly assumed if there was any bullshit in there that I would be warned as such.

I wasn't looking to find gay shit in a 25+ year old anime .

I was looking for escapism.

instead I found a guy so cool/skilled he constantly get's saved/ outsmarted by hoes and children.

They gay shit just threw me off as it would any normal person.

@basedbagel @ButtWorldsMan @YoMomz I have watched Cowboy Bebop and didn't remember about that .But the show has only one scene , there are animes like get backers that are worse.

@ugly_bastard_reborned @basedbagel @ButtWorldsMan @YoMomz

> I can't tell if you guys are fucking with me

That's because you're a bagel, and bagels are essentially one big bonus hole.

It's in your very nature to crave cream and meat.

What am I saying exactly??

That you're probably a gay slut. Hey, don't hate the player.


@ugly_bastard_reborned @ButtWorldsMan @YoMomz

You too? @UncleIroh

LOok I know you don't like the smallhats but if this bagelism continues I'm going to call the SPLC on you and they'll put a BOLO out for fire nation chiefs and take your shoes away.

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