I like Ryan Dawson but his stance on the confederacy makes no sense.

You can't rep a treasonous flag and call yourself a patriot SMH

@basedbagel Treasonous against who? Was it against a tyrannical federalist government body that wanted to put itself above the united states and centralize its power over them?

Razorfist would like a word with you.


@ButtWorldsMan You're missing my point.

My point is that people who support the confederacy consider themserlves patriots which makes no sense to me.

BOTH the north and the south wanted power/resources.

I have no romance with the north but trying to make it seem like the confederacy were some peace-loving planters protecting states rights is asinine.

Both sides were amoral and power hungry.

@basedbagel Patriotism toward the idea of the united states as it should be. There's no big contradiction here. Just as there wouldn't be any contradiction in Jan 6ers calling themselves patriotic despite the feds labeling them insurrectionists.

@ButtWorldsMan I agree with you but i have to stay consistent with my views.

Winners of wars dictate the rules.

The south lost the war and the north won so its treason.

I would say the same thing to nazis, native americans or any other group that lost a war

So while I agree in their mind they are correct and in principle I agree.

In reality you have to win AND be right.

Now Dawson just looks like a sore loser waving a century+ old losing flag which is a shame.

@basedbagel @ButtWorldsMan the South were the side loyal to the vision of the Founding Fathers and the Constitution. They were the patriotic side.

The country has gone to shit and I'm not patriotic anymore. America died and the Cathedral are wearing it's corpse like a costume as they push communism.

But when did it die? In the Civil War.

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan

"South were the side loyal to the vision of the Founding Fathers and the Constitution. They were the patriotic side."

That's true but the problem with that line of thinking is that the native Americans can use the same argument.

They can say they were the true patriots and the evil white man defeated them with dubious tactics like breaking treaties and ruined the country so they won't recognize the US, only their native American tribe.

Do you see what I mean?

@basedbagel @ButtWorldsMan What do the Native Americans have to do with one's patriotism? That's completely irrelevant.

At least the Natives versus the colonists was a stand up fight. The Progressives just used welfare and Marxism to corrupt the country.

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan

"What do the Native Americans have to do with one's patriotism? "

My original post was about Ryan Dawson who is part native american.

My point was you can't be patriotic to a country that doesn't exist even if you're right in principle.

I don't like it at all but you have to capitulate to the winners of wars.

Those who can't win wars must adapt and move on.

That's why you're a trans woman and I'm a dual citizen.

@basedbagel @ButtWorldsMan I agree that those who understand the South was right and the Progressives are cancer shouldn't call themselves Patriotic.

Even if you love the idea and values of what America once stood for, that America is dead.

It's like saying you're still a devoted husband to your ex-wife after she divorced you and took all your stuff. That woman you love doesn't exist anymore. That marriage you had doesn't exist anymore.

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan Not so fast you cheeky monkey! I see what you did there.

"Progressives are cancer "-I agree

"South was right"- i disagree, from personal experience most southerners are NOT freedom lovers.

They're self-interested. States rights served as a justification for a select few to rake an immense slavery profits tax free.

If federal law protected slavery they would have ben all for it.

On top of that they lost the war due to some pretty poor strategy on their part IMO.

@basedbagel @Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan Poor strategy you need to do more research,the Union army had a constant flow of immigrants to pit against the South sound familiar to what’s happening today history repeats itself, I personally think Abraham Lincoln time traveled back in time that is why he was freakishly tall by the way and his ruthless war crimes are the only reason the south lost but I wouldn’t expect someone with a unleavened hole like you to comprehend


@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan

Please curb your localism and hear me out @Scubbie

I'm no civil war expert but here's my take.

Not letting slaves fight was a poor strategy considering they were outnumbered.

Fighting a defensive war was poor strategy because it goes against the principles of the art of war.

We have to stop acting like because they lost the war they are somehow virtuous.

There is no such thing as a just war. It's amoral power-hungry people vying for their own interests.

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@basedbagel @Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan In 1863 General Lee with 6,000 negroes accompanied the Army of the Potomac into Pennsylvania.Like I said brush up on your history,Unleavened hole

@Scubbie @Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan

I've been very accomodating so the bagelism is unnecessary.

i said I wasn't a civil ware expert but IIRC they only let them fight AFTER they were vastly outnumbered by the north.

IMO this was an unwise strategy because had they fought alongside negroes from get-go and went offensive on the north things may have turned out different.

I'm not trying to shit on the south, I'm saying (to Ryan Dawson) put the flag down and move on.

@basedbagel @Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan well since I have the confederate battle flag tattooed on my arm since I was 18 yrs old,putting it down and move on will never be an option,accept it and I will overlook your pink chevron bagel flag

@Scubbie @Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan

"I have the confederate battle flag tattooed on my arm"

Why in the hell would you do that?!

I'm going to assume you have ancestors that fought in the war because that's the only way that makes sense

But in the future you really should try ghosting in plain sight. This is not the era to make your political opinions obvious.

@Scubbie @Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan

Also I think you took this personally which was not my intention. It was meant for Ryan Dawson.

You guys are still here in the fight paying the high taxes.

When you get a minute look into Ryan Dawson.

He hasn't paid taxes here since the bush era.

He has a south korean wife and kids and lives there now so why he's still holding onto the flag is beyond me.

It's crazy how even a genius like him can get caught up in localist nonsense.

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