
No disrespect to southerners but country music is the most SIMPY music there is

@basedbagel We gotta narrow down where it's still going strong cuz I don't hear that shit in Florida.

@fal1026 @basedbagel

There is a episode of the south pole cartoon that might be called kung flu

It is made by volunteers that work with Tim Ozman

Used to be free & easy to find all episodes now I do not know where to find them

There is a song that because someone ate a bat in China now we get our human rights taken away



I hear it A LOT where I am and while rap is degenerate, at least it has a hint of RP.

All the popular country songs I hear are sad and simpy and I can't stand it


Agreed. For every Country song that warns about the evils of a bad woman, there's 10 dealing in heartsick, lovesick, female worshipping, male sacrificing, good woman bullshit.

@basedbagel You ain’t listening to Outlaw country you listening to Pop country,listen to David Allen Coe for awhile

TBH I don't even listen to music like that I was just in the store and heard some simp ass country music and I had to share

@basedbagel White people love simping, so music made to appeal to white people is simpy. Black people like crime, so music made to appeal to black people is about crime.

I listen to foreign music in languages I don't understand, and have no intention of ever learning.


I hate when people make me laugh at things that shouldn't be funny.🤣

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