No one could bring me back to the plantation inn this hellscspe of a society but my ideal woman would be:
Stable finances
Simple(Not high maintenance)
> That's unicorn material
Sadly you're right but for me to commit I need all 5
> you're going to have to settle for 2 outta 5.
Nah I'm just leaving the west. These women here are just not worth investing in
no body count
rather flat than fat.
Most of the time you will get only skinny and this would be option that can modern women offer
There's what you want, and there's what's available ..
But don't worry, she's ready to settle down now.
I wasn't even trying to go in on women today but those memes cracked me up 😂
My bad I didn't even notice that typo LOL I was talking about finances.
Ideally no previous fiances either though