People are noticing the sudden uptick in politicians, billionaires and the wealthy liquidating their stocks, selling their homes, aquiring extra passports, giving up their Western passports in favor of "safe haven" destinations and buying up the land there.

There's also a backlog in demand for luxury underground bunkers.

@UncleIroh Just remember that ventilation holes in their bunkers do them no good when filled with concrete. Make sure to clean them out with strong cleaners like bleach or ammonia. Helping is caring!


Ha! Bunker-hunting will be the new sport. I like it.



More conspiracy theory coping.

People have been preaching doom and gloom and it never comes to pass.

Remember Y2K? We're still here

In all seriousness the country is collapsing but none knows exactly when and it's probably not anytime soon

@basedbagel @UncleIroh @brimshae 3 to 4 years and it will kick off, the red heifers were shipped to Israel from Texas,be patient friend

I agree with you on everything but the timeline. I think it's too soon but it's anyone's guess
@UncleIroh @brimshae

@basedbagel @UncleIroh @brimshae Time is not linear if the cathedral/cabal can manipulate time they will fulfill their prophecy,their dedication is hyper focused in black magic


The cathedral is NOT God.

They're just a bunch of degenerate booty eaying satanists with too much time on their hands.

The Most High will take care of them in due time

@UncleIroh @brimshae

@basedbagel @UncleIroh @brimshae You are right but not well read they will have their time first to test you and I in our faith,they have made blood sacrifices for power over the time stream for control and power on earth which is nothing,for those who seek peace and understanding in the here after

@Scubbie @basedbagel @UncleIroh @brimshae

What if they want to do the collapse.

Later they change in to something different and would say how people need to follow them because they are being saved.

They will say it was not them it was evil something so you should trust them.

@basedbagel @Scubbie @UncleIroh @brimshae

There is no Most High. The Most High is just another variation of Operation Trust, Q anon and "trust the plan." It's planted in people's convictions so they won't fight.

It's cool if you don't believe in God but I can't let this slide:

> It's planted in people's convictions so they won't fight.

This is demonstrably false. People have literally fought wars BECAUSE of their belief in a higher power.

Evidence shows that religious people live happier lives with stronger interpersonal connections along with less neuroticism.

Belief in a higher power makes you stronger, not weaker.

@Scubbie @UncleIroh @brimshae

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