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You shouldn't be forced to go to school by law.

Forcing kids that don't want to be in school to attend causes:

Wasted resources tracking kids
Distracting those who want to learn

The only solution i can think of with violent women is to keep some pepper spray on you.

It may not stop her but it will give you enough time to GTFO.

But If she lives with you... Yikes

So bizarre that you have to protect yourself from such frail creatures.

@Tfmonkey If you're tired of the mexicans interrupting your show, check out

It uses AI to remove extraneous background noise and it's pretty damn good

There's also or rtx voice if you have an nvidia graphics card.

I know your audio setup is complicated so it may not work but it may be worth looking into.

Don't talk to me about maintaining frame with a woman If you didn't maintain frame with the vaccine.

I do not have normie memory. The faces of you cowards are permanently etched in my mind.

If youre not rp to the gov then you're as useful as an MRA.

I don't know why I torture myself arguing with normies.

CBDC is on the way. The vax is here to stay.

If you don't know by now you deserve whats coming to you

If MGTOW was never shadowbanned would it have been a true threat to the establishment?

I've been procrastinating starting a business for the past 5 years.

The vax mandate gave me the kick in the ass I needed to not only start my business, but I got my 1ST CLIENT!

It's not enough to go full time but it's important to celebrate the small wins.

If you're new to Mastodon this is a great video for you:

Also If you wonder why there's no like button on here:

Mastodon was created based on 2015 twitter which didn't have likes, only favorites

So on mastodon

A favorite is for the author ("I liked this")

a bookmark is for you ("I want to see this again later")

...a boost is for your followers ("more people should see this")

@basedbagel @basedbagel
The 80/20 distribution holds true for that as well I'd say
80% of the workers do 20% of the work and, conversely, 20% do 80%

A good thing about this mass de platforming is that I'm cured of my social media addiction.

Normie socials are so boring now that I'm back to reading books again!

None of this deplatforming would be a problem if the internet was used as intended.

Everyone would go to the site for their specific philosophy and it would all be so simple.

For you guys old enough to remember, was corporate always this inefficient or is it women?

TIL what emotional labor is.

I was going to make fun of it until I had an epiphany.

I think most emotional labor is done by men,

Feminist make up statistics all the time so why let them have all the fun?

Every 7 seconds a man loses half of his income and kids to divorce.

369% more men have been accused of rape than convicted of rape.

On average, at least 63% of a man's income goes to woman directly or indirectly.

Feel free to add some more statistics. Remember numbers don't lie

"If you know the way broadly you see it all things"

I think Musashi was referring to the duality of life but I'm not a philosopher so I could be way off

If you are on twitter >1hr daily and you don't make $ from it you should lose the right to vote.

Anger management is a myth.

It can only be delayed and directed

Use stoicism to delay your anger in the moment.

Direct your anger into productive activities like exercise.

Still Don't believe me? Think about people like Mike Tyson and Elon Musk.

If they weren't constantly working like crackheads all that pent up energy would make them a menace to society

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.