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Great news @basedbagel is back in business!!! 🎉

One of my clients that dropped me last year wants to to hire me for more work!

Context: I took a massive L last year and lost all my clients in a month but luckily I didn't quit my job.

I was lowkey upset but I held frame.

Now I'm back to making matrix free monies!

Praise the Most High and through him all things are possible.

@basedbagel @DoubleD @Stahesh
“The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents... some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new Dark Age.”
― H.P. Lovecraft

I was debating with some jootard and his dumbass responded months later saying I dickride (a trigger word for me) someone who fucks dolls.

I will NEVER understand this obsession people have about another man's sex life.


I was so excited to be on alt tech and talk to less bots and more people and I still get trolled...

If you have a mental illness you shouldn't be in any leadership position.

It would solve alot of problems

Does anyone have any effective countermeasure to relational aggression/reputation destruction?

It's exhausting busting your ass just to have some envious peon throw dirt on your name.

Trolling/Stalking HAS to be a mental illness.

Why would you waste precious time with people you dislike or are actively avoiding you?

You could be connecting with like minds but instead they choose to be insane SMDH

I'm conflicted on the legalization of prostitution so I I'd like you guys opinion on this.

One one hand I morally oppose it as I've met hoes personally and they're broken, chaotic people who noone should be paying $$.

On the other hand modern dating is prostitution with extra steps and modern marriage is WORST than prostitution.

Buy your car parts at instead of going to a store.

I paid 40+ for some wipers at Oreily's.

They're 2$ each on

TSA and HR are a conspiracy to waste the layman's time.

Bagel Was Right part 2: Women in the workforce

A while ago I got some pushback on here for saying single women shouldn't be working full time.

Here's why:

A white girl went viral on Tiktok for recording her getting fired from SALES job after making NO SALES for 3 months claiming she was "traumatized".

Moral of the story: Women can't handle rejection or the stress of full-time work very well.

TIL about RainX.

It's a water repellent coating you spray on the exterior of your car and it forces water to bead and roll off the car and you barely need your wipers.

I also found out it's anti-fog as well.

IT's dirt cheap and available at walmart. (But don't get the 2 in 1 get a glass cleaner separately.)

Disney is so much more than a company, it's peak American culture.

The IP of Disney may have been entertaining but they also contained a lot of wisdom and life lessons to inspire and teach the next generation.

It's a shame they're falling off now but nothing gold can stay.

(I know I sound like a Disney shill but I swear they didn't pay me to write this. They just hooked me at a young age.)

Being broke can stress you out to the point of mental illness.

Me 5 years ago: *tire goes flat*

OMG am I going to have to skip a meal or not get gas to pay for my tire? Why me, why now?!

I'll call 5 places and see who has the best price.

Present me: *tire goes flat*

Ah well, that sucks. I'm gonna put on my spare and go to the closest tire shop.

It's kind of a pain but hey, what can you do? what's important is I'm safe.

Money doesn't buy happiness, but it buys freedom + peace of mind.

Our standard of living is only possible by Chinese kids working like slaves with no social mobility.

While I don't think it's right, if they were paid a fair wage + benefits I could no longer maintain my standard of living.

So while I still don't morally agree with it, I tacitly accept this injustice as I cannot afford a $3,000 smartphone.

I rationalize this in my brain by not being wasteful or lazy so their efforts go to waste. but TBH I'm probly kidding myself.

Food for thought.

The only jabbed person in my inner circle with no complications takes 1,000mg of Vitamin C every day.

I have no idea if this means anything but if there someone vaxxed you care about it's worth trying as vitamin c is dirt cheap.

>the Titanic was most likely sunk deliberate

I heard about that!

I find it convenient a bunch of powerful opponents get taken out in one fell swoop.

@basedbagel @Scubbie Bro, don't feed the trolls, they literally do that because of te drama and because it makes them feel important; and you can't "own" someone whose goal is just to waste your time.

3. Southerners kept trying to force Northern states to help them capture runaway slaves, violating the Northern STATES RIGHTS.

Later on a Fugitive Slave law forced Northerners to help catch slaves at the south's request. They didn't care about the North's states rights

Southerners who claim to be bations of freedom were against the Kansas-Nebraska act of 1854 with allowed the states RIGHT to choose if they wanted slavery or not.

It was never about freedom, it was ALWAYS about slave $$.


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Unequivocal proof the south did not give a rat's ass about "states rights" and was trying to protect their slave $$.

1. The Dred Scott decision, widely favored in the South, aimed to infringe on the Northern STATES RIGHTS from limiting slavery within their own borders.

2. In the Bleeding Kansas conflict, proslavery forces tried to force the legalization of slavery in Lecompton. This revealed a broader pro-Southern commitment to slavery, often disregarding the will of the people.


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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.