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What's this im hearing Kurt Cobaine was murdered?

I thought it was suicide because he was a drug addict

Disinformation >>>>> censorship

I would have come to the red pill much faster without all the dead ends andref herrings I encountered

If normies are mocking you\doubting you that's a sign you're on the right track.

I just found out that 43% of the FBI is women and they're trying to get more...

It all makes sense now.

If we're domestic terrorists now with only 43%, what do you think will happen to us as that number grows?

I gotta get out of here before I find out!

We have to stop with this "wall" talk because it doesn't exist.

I just witnessed a 45 year single mother turn down a man YOUNGER than her.

If you're waiting for modern woman to get their just desserts later in life this will be you

10 Signs you need to start your own business. finish your job in 4 hours and look busy the other 4.

2. you always wonder why everything is so inefficient.

3. You hate office politics.

4. You cant or don't like kissing ass

5. You don't have a submissive personality.

6. You always felt underpaid regardless how much you made.

7. you prefer to work by project rather than by the hour.

8. You have a high risk tolerance.

9. You can do basic math.

10.You love freedom

IMO every man in the west should try to own your own business or be self employed.

Let's face it, you're not getting promoted

Attention monkey's market minute subcribers:

Givesendbro has stripe back now!

I filled up my wallet with enough $ for the rest of the year.

I am a proud shill of MMM.

TFM is literally certified in this shit and it shows because he doesn't over explain shit to confuse me like every other financial advisor I've met.

Thanks to monkey I now know more about investing than any normie I know and It only took a few minutes a day.

A hard pill for me to swallow is that Americans doesn't value intellectual purists as it does artistic ones.

Guys help me out here.

I heard from a MGTOW channel that a guy got ghosted on his honeymoon.

What is a red pill explanation of this demonic activity?

Why go through all the hoopla of a wedding just to ghost him?

Is it a sick joke?

I'm so confused

I have not told a SOUL outside of the internet about my business.

I'll let them find out after it's successful.

There is no strategic advantage to telling people your every move. 🤫

I had an epiphany watching pigeons.

My beef with normies isn't just that they're stupid, It's that they're slow.

Normies are like pigeons in the road with car coming at them in the distance.

Unless the threat is right in front of them with 0 layers of abstraction they will carry on like business as usual.

Drives me nuts but that's life.

Guys accepted gayness from women because they like threesomes.

Now we have drag queen storyline and guess who's taking their kids there?

Casanova said he'd rather sleep woth one bitch 1,000 times than 1,0000 bitches 1 time.

Personally I'd prefer sleeping with 100 bitches 10 times.

Which would you prefer?

If you're unarmed in a blue state whatever happens is your fault.

I've seen enough viral videos of rampant crime and robbery.

When you start your business book a free consultation woth an accountant to figure out howbmuch youll owe in taxes.

Then make sure you set aside that amount of money in a separate account.

Thank me later

I hate when people I despise make a good point.

I remember when Hillary Clinton said you need a public and private position.

I thought to myself "Wow what a 2-faced bitch"

Fast forward a few years and I do same thing with great success.

She may be an awful person, but she made a good point.

I'm not telling a single person in real life about my business.

All they're going to do is be nosy and talk shit.

I haven't made much but I'm quite proud of what I've done and I don't want anyone raining on my parade.

I recommend when your business is in its nascent stage to work in silence

I thought I was making a killing in my business until I got this tax bill...

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.