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Say what you want about Trump or Obama.

They were charismatic orators with a clear message.

There is no way in HELL BIden got more votes than Obama or Trump.

I saw 0 grass roots excitement for BIden even amongst his own party.

Andi it's truly cruel to put that demented old man through all that stress when he's clearly not fit to lead.

But on the other hand President Kamala would be even worst so maybe this is for the best.

Henceforth I will no longer be bitching about my normie parents.

Despite our strained relationship I couldn't be where I am today without them.

There's no point in complaining about things you can't change, I'll leave that to leftists and jootards.

"When I became a man I put away childish things"

Imagine having such little faith in your own intuition that you solely rely on peer-reviewed studies for your some dorks with no life experience.

Amy Schumer has to be a psy-op.

I refuse to believe people acutally pay money to see her.

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Amy Schumer is proof jews run entertainment.

I tried to watch her and that shit was so dry and boring I almost fell asleep💤

Only Jewish connections could allow someone so devoid of talent to become a famous comedian.

I'm not even trying to hate just watch her on Youtube.

The ways he talks you would think all this girl did her whole life was fuck eat alot.

Confessions of an former brokie:

I put off my eye exam for 2 years because I was scared of how much it would cost.

I realized today that with my insurance I can get new glasses for less than a full tank of gas.

All my life I thought I was a chronic procrastinator.

It turns out I was just broke.

Moral of the story: Even if you're broke take the time to look into how much things cost because it may not be as expensive as you think

I always wondered where all these people were who complained about monkey's market minute.

I got my answer.

I was watching Aaron clarey and some dork superchatted to bitch 'about how he was down 60% because of TFM's bad advice.

LOL what a whiny bitch!

Shit like this is why people don't like to give back.

Investing is a big boys game.

If you can't take the heat then stay out of the kitchen brokie!

Does male sexual harassment really bother you?

I'll be honest I personally IDGAF.

I've been catcalled, groped by horny nurses and every time I felt fantastic and got a giant ego boost.

Unless it's at work I really don't care about a woman sexualizing me but I'm curious what you guys think.

They pride themselves on the "Apple ecosystem" which is just seamless transition between all your I devices.

But you could do the same things with Samsung for a lower cost.

They market the macbook as a device for people who buck the trend as if you're a revolutionary for buying a laptop from a multi-billion dollar company.

Let me know if I missed anything.

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Apple is the greatest marketing company in the world.

They took a commodity created by Chinese children for 200$ and sell it for 1200 in the west as a status symbol.

They even psy-opped people into thinking having a green bubble (android phone) makes you poor.

Greatness marketing company ever.

Right up there with De-beers..

Destiny, Idubbz and Adam22 are proof that money and status doesn't solve your female problems, it only reveals them.

Holy shit never mind this bitch is a convicted domestic abuser!

Why are all these crazy bitches so fine?!

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The OK boomer chick is the only commie I'd smash.

I'd like to give a big shoutout to my normie daddy for not letting me get a useless degree in UNI.

What. A. Blessing.

Behind every successful young person is a sane, stable, supportive family.

If you didn't have that privilege like me then don't worry our time will come.

It takes alot of energy to unfuck your brain and re-parent yourself.

So don't waste a single calorie of energy envying those with stable family privilege.

You've got enough on your plate as is.

I remember crying to myself years ago wondering if I would be on this shit for the rest of my life.

It took years but I can finally manage my ADD naturally.

Being able to focus unmedicated must be what blind people feel like when they can see for the 1st time.

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2 years free of those GOD AWFUL ADD meds!

Praise the lord!

@basedbagel I've been to the shrink, and told him everything, cried, hour was up and I left. It was great! Get it off your chest, feels gud bro.

I would NEVER go to therapy with some bitch ever again.

I went once and it was this dumb hoe with no idea of how to deal with male issues just nodded along and said I had anger issues.


So to recap if you do need therapy find an old man who has some life experience and go for a couple sessions.

But if you're going to sit there and cry to a rando bitclh every week then therapy is useless for you.

At some point you have to move on with life.


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Hot take: Therapy is a net benefit to society but people just do it wrong.

I know its alpha to deal with all problems by yourself but that's just not realistic.

Some of us have problems that need to be addressed by an impartial 3rd party.

I had to go to therapy for 3 sessions and found it helpful.

However he was a man who was also a business owner and gave me real solutions instead of just crying with me and giving me meds.


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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.