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I just bought a treadmill to put under my standing desk and it's the BEST purchase I've made all year!

Now I can watch videos while exercising and kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

So Nick Fuentes is touted as the guy that's going to save the west but I don't see how.

He's spot on with women but he's gay so that cancels it out.

He says race mixing is degenerate even though he's mixed himself.

And to top it all off he doesn't even care about freedom!

He just wants to enforce a catholic monarchy which means he wants right wing tyranny.

I tried to be objective but I struggle to see the appeal of this dude.

Pro tip: Have a separate savings account with enough cash to cover your deductibles on all your insurance plans.

The propaganda was so strong it turned my entire inner circle against me with no exceptions.

I haven't spoken to my siblings since and I barely talk to my parents now.

For most people Covid was a financial issue.

For me it was a life altering epiphany.

Parasocial relationships saving me from a killer vax and helping me start a biz sounds like fiction but its real.

I'll never get used to strangers on the internet showing me more compassion than my family.

Truth is stranger than fiction.

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Covid storytime:

I got covid twice.

The 1st time was on vacation with my family.

I wasn't dying but I had fatigue , a stuffed nose and a terrible headache

Not a SINGLE family member stayed by my side to help me when I had covid

They continued on their vacation like everything was fine.

I cannot overestimate how much this messed with my head.

I know it was my choice not to get vaccinated and I accept that.

But knowing my own family would leave me for dead at my weakest...


@basedbagel debit cards have all the same identity theft and fraud protections as a credit card, but it's good that you were mindful of your balance and caught the fraud.

Can somebody give me 1 good reason I should make a Threads account?

What does Threads have that Mastodon doesn't?

The UI looks alright but I don't trust Zuck's lizard ass and Mastodon is alot of fun for me.

I will never make a purchase with a debit card again.

My doctor tried bilking me by overcharging me up front and pocketing the money my insurance paid him...

Lying bitch even told me they don't accept my insurance when it's clearly on their website that they do.

I disputed that shit and got my $ back and my credit card lawyers are on the case handling it for me while I'm stress free!

Idubbz was ALWAYS a deranged attention-seeking loser.

I'm tired of people blaming his wife for his obvious shortcomings.

Who the hell flies cross country to record them saying racial slurs to a white bitch?

Or gets in a skintight suit saying fag shit to other men?

People SWORE he was so smart but he can't even run a charity event without losing money.

I'm so glad the world caught up to me.

This Adam22 interview is painful to watch.

For the record, if your wife says she wants you to record her getting dug out by BBC, the correct answer is BYE BITCH!

Not "Ok but no facials or kissing"

What kills me is I don't understand why he's cucking himself when he's a decent looking millionaire.

Yet he chooses to do this humiliation satanic shit.

@basedbagel It doesn't end there. The corpos are devious and evil, so it's about removing ownership rights from their customers, and making sure the subscribers are dependent on them, so they become scared to unsubscribe. This doesn't apply to product delivery subscriptions, only service subscriptions.

Car features. Software. Video games. No more ownership allowed. You are at the mercy of the corporation. Evil.

As a business owner I finally understand why everything is a monthly subscription now.

Getting new customers is a pain in the ass and the best people to sell to are those who already bought from you.

This man Adam22 RECORDED his wife getting railed by BBC...

He also had a 3some with her with ANOTHER DUDE.

You can't tell me he's not LGBT.

I'm not racist but this is disgusting and an insult to the institution of marriage.

I'm black pilled on male friendship right now.

I've lost all my male friends to marriage or some crazy hoe.

It's depressing to know I can build a relationship for over a decade only to be destroyed in a day by a pretty face.

It's also hard to trust guys because alot fo them tend to vent to their girl so I have to be careful about what I say which makes things awkward.

I know I shouldn't envy women but it would be nice if I could just smile in a guy's face and get their undying loyalty...

Hot take:

if you're pushing poly relationship\cuckery just come on out as LGBT.

There is not a straight man in the WORLD cool with watching other guys banging the woman he loves.

The unconstitutional student loan forgiveness has been STRUCK DOWN!

All the fiscally irresponsible normies who voted for Biden to have their loans forgiven are FUCKING STUPID! 😂

How do you get tricked by an old demented pedophile who doesn't know where he's at?

Idk but I'm celebrating!

i made the mistake of doing an unnecessary surgery without a 2nd or 3rd opinion and I'm suffering the consequences.

At least I'm still unvaccinated. SO glad I found out that shit was BS in time.

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There is ZERO evidence to support that you need your wisdom teeth removed unless they're infected or causing you pain.

Do not let any dentist/doctor gaslight you otherwise.

70% of oral surgical procedures are wisdom teeth related so they'll never admit it.


Why don't people understand you can have a fucked up sense of humor and still be a normal person?

It's so irritating

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.