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Am I an asshole for not dealimt with women who have been sexually assaulted before?

How My business mistake saved me $$$:

I was putting away 30% of my gross business income preparing for my annual IRS shakedown.

Come to find out the IRS taxes you on NET income not your gross like id been saving for.

So I basically over saved myself into a tax refund! I'm so happy rn 😊

@basedbagel The games, social media and internet are things we use to forget our lifes.

Because this help us dissociate from current state of our daily lifes so we will escape all problems we face and have time to recharge.

This is not the cause this is symptom of the problems we face.

TIL women had hobbies back in the day like knitting and could fix/make your clothes.

That shit would be so OP today if women could do that.

I know it would never happen, but a man can dream.

Useful links to open source versions and frontends of social media platforms.

Links appear to regularly maintained too.

I'm so sick of boomers gaslighting us saying smartphones suck because we aren't "in the moment" anymore.

News flash boomers:

"The moment" SUCKS ASS thanks to you.

I've never seen someone fucking a bad bitch stop to check their 📱 mid-stroke.Its almost like if "the moment" doesn't suckass, you don't need escapism.

We're on the 📱 all day trying desperately not to think about the awful state of affairs on a micro/macro level.

You boomers are lucky we have tech or you wouldn't be safe

Its funny to me how people say Jews can NEVER change because it's in their genes.

They clearly underestimate the power of social engineering.

We have socially engineered men to allow themselves to get hit by women and take it.

This is a base survival instinct that MOST animals have and it's gone like a fart in the wind.

The reason why lesbian relationship DV rates are so high is because lack of good dick drives females insane.

Shawshank redemption is a great movie.

I'd give it a would rewatch/10

Warning: there is some gay shit in there

I was just in a discord debate about Tate and the guy I was debating and he went off on a tangent saying these "crazy" guys online talking about how sex dolls could replace women.

I always knew sex dolls would be controversial but shockingly I see more outrage from men than women.

TFM likes to jokingly say he's a "has-been" Internet celeb but his impact is still felt especially on this topic.

He couldn't even say TFMs name like he was Voldemort 😂. he was so mad lol.

Men are NOT human-doings.

This is a LIE society uses to trick men into attaching their self worth to the wrong things.

It also makes men suicidal when they lose their job/girl.

Your value /= a bunch of accomplishments/women you slept with.

IDC if all you do is bitch about your chin and Jews all day while unemployed. You still have value.

True value is created internally.

(There is also spiritual value but I don't want a religion debate and I'm out of characters.)


LOL, I'm not Asian. Just liked the screen name word play and went with a stereotypical avatar.

I found a good spot, lucked out and got a house before the interest rates went through the roof. Decent people around and I'm working on homesteading.

Any government is weak, with enough firepower.

ALL banks should have hardware (Yubijey)/software 2fa (Authy) enabled by default.

I'm still laughing while typing this ahahaha!

Reading that subreddit is like watching a mouse for through a maze to get 🧀 at the end

Except the "maze" Is a straight line and the 🧀 comes to you but the mouse runs away from it because it doesn't want to settle with just any type of 🧀 lol

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I know this is old news but WGTOW/Female dating strategy STILL cracks me up! 😂

WGTOW is almost cute like a kid running away from home.

FDS is cancer but the premise makes me rofl 🤣

A woman's role in dating is 95% passive.

ALL you have to do to get a man is 3 steps

1. Be thin
2. Be nice
3. Exist in his line of sight


They are SO DUMB they can't follow 3 steps they had to phone a friend on Reddit lol!

Call me a eugenicist, but if you can't follow 3 steps you don't deserve to breed

The reason why lesbian relationship DV rates are so high is because lack of good dick drives females insane.

I like Teapits but their English breakfast tea tastes like dirt

I'm sorry but I had to drop Rick and Morty.

Morty is a 14 YEAR OLD BOY.why is there a scene of him getting sexually assaulted?

What kind of psychopath finds a minor getting raped entertainment?

Call me a snowflake but nothing about rape is entertaining to me. Especially not minors.

Sick Hollywierd freaks have to inject their perverted degenerate fantasies into anything they make! 😡

Ask not what you can do for your country.

Ask how do I GTFO this country asap?


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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.