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I knew was not an organic movement when no one talked about Dan Schneider.

I want to talk about the family behind the opioid crisis but I know a certain contingent will derail the conversation so for now I remain silent.

Ive been able to read a book a week since I quit social media

I can't believe I wasted so much time...

I probably could have left the country by now if I never used Social media and read instead

How to walk away from society:

- Leave the country
- Do no enlist
- Do not get married
- Do not volunteer your time or donate your money
- Do not consoom
- Do not vote for Feminists
- Do not help people who vote against you
- Homeschool your children
- Do not go to college
- Live off-grid

For everyone that gave me shit for being anti-drugs:

This bitch stabbed a dude 100 times under cannabis psychosis and will walk free after some community service.

If drugs were illegal she'd be in jail

I just watched Shawshank redemption and while I would do without the gay shit out was a good movie

YouTube censorship has gotten so ridiculous pretty soon creators will be titling videos in pig latin 🤣

It was a female that red pilled me, Many men tried before to no avail.

It was Israel that made me hate Israel..
Many a jootsrd tried before with no avail.

Moral of the story:

Don't bother trying to convince anyone.

they will find out sooner or later straight from the horses mouth.

The best hedge against inflation is an indestructible Japanese shitbox.

Don't let boomers shame you for not having kids or having kids before you're ready.

I keep seeing this dumbass take that if you don't have kids you're selfish/don't care about the future.

This is a headasss take by boomers who don't care how bad it is for you, they just want their social security in tact.

I'm having kids when I'm ready financially and outside the West.

I'm not letting anyone gaslight me otherwise

Let's say you transcribed all your videos and published them as an anthology book to Amazon.

If someone plagiarized you in a viral video would you be able to use that book as a legal justification to sue for copyright infringement?

A male birth control pill would end the abortion debate

As soon as I get situated I'm getting my revenge.

🖕 The high road

Teapigs chamomile is the only tea that puts me to sleep in a timely manner.

It's kinda pricey but it's worth it as it knocks this back right out in 20m Everytime with just 2 cups.

This and sleepytime are the only chamomile teas that work for me

TIL Things like parental neglect at an early age not only stick with you as your age but can:

⏺️ Change your personality

⏺️ Reshape your worldview

⏺️ Cause autism/ anorexia im extreme cases

⚠️ Warning ⚠️ video is sad and may make you lose frame:

@basedbagel @DoubleD @houseoftolstoy

Approx 1300 private jets attended Davos this year.

All the prostitutes and escorts were fully booked out.

All the gay rentboys were fully booked out.

God knows how much drugs were flown in and supplied.

Guaranteed they had the finest chefs serving all kinds of meats and fish.

These are the self-titled elites who want you to stop eating meat and stop flying, smh.

I know this may sound like I'm trolling but I'm dead serious.

Is it possible to be forced to give oral sex?

I saw a post on Reddit and ngl im kinda doubtful.

Couldn't you just bite his dick and run?

I remember I once zipped my dick after I pissed and I was immobilized for a good half hour so I would think that's long enough to escape.

You're going to a place that's a 7 hour drive away or a 3 hour flight.

Which one are you picking?

Please vote wisely I have a point to prove with this.

@Tfmonkey In an ideal world where only net taxpaying men vote.

Since we know a lot of men aren't net taxpayers, how would you motivate them to join the military and fight for a country they have no say in?

Would you make an exception for people on welfare if they enlist?

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.