@spectre that is why multiculturalism can't be a thing. I mean, look at Spain vs Portugal
Same peninsula, completely different culture. Even though languages have the same root, the Spanish can't understand when I speak. Portuguese wine is great, spanish wine sucks unless it's expensive. Last but not least, even though I wouldn't call Portugal patriarchal, at least we aren't as cucked as Spain.
@Fiddle Must fired a truck load of useless feeders and people were saying how twitter wouldn't be able to function properly. Guess it's fine though.
@UncleIroh @spectre Testosterone and sperm counts have more to do with men not doing "manly" things anymore.
Did you know that eating raw onions increases testosterone in highly numbers? Guess what? I know a number of older men that still eat raw onions every day, mostly at breakfast. How many men do you still know today that know how to service a car's engine, or build a proper house with bricks and mortar? Tell you, I'm no architect, but I know how to build a house.
@Fiddle I wish I had only 42 hour work week
@houseoftolstoy Porto, Portugal
The great flood of 1909. It was getting so bad the local government almost cut down the lower bridge deck since they were worried the river would drag the whole bridge with it and cause an even bigger catastrophe.
Would you look at that. I think a certain @Tfmonkey said that the climate change agenda was all about getting rid of capitalism.
Is there a #TFMWasRight tag yet? Now there is.
@CHADYbara the one one the front is learning to fly
Faster than Lightning
Louder than Thunder