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I know the perfect woman, but she lives 200 miles away. Probably it's best to admire her from a far. The best woman is the one you never get to know.

@Tfmonkey @spectre

"Anything that cannot be coopted by the state will be banned/destroyed by the state."

This is not entirely true. Banned yes. Destroyed no.

Christianity under total Roman rule was banned but not destroyed.

Heart beats raw Power over time, and it took centiuries. Just like Islamic suicide bombers will always beat raw Israeli power over a long enough period.

The opposite is also true: "The State can also be co-opted by the thing it seeks to co-opt/destroy".

France, 1792

@blitzdriver For the majority of men that dream is over. A small number of families get it right:

Fact check: The scientific name for capybara comes from Hydro chaeris, which means "water hog" in Greek. :chadybara:

Enzo Ferrari will go down in history as the greatest car manufacturer of all time. Why? Is it because he built the most cars?
It's because of what his cars mean.

Alternate History where Germany successfully convinces Eurasia that communism is a gay ass kike ploy so they all embrace fascism instead then destroy Israel thus freeing the West from kike rule forever

@blitzdriver Men are superior to women. Their resentment stems from their inferiority.

The strong should not fear the curses of the weak.

Being a man means you've already won.

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