
Only an idiot would throw their life away over a worthless whore.

Now instead of her being on the streets where she belongs, father and son are going to be taking BBC in prison.

@UncleIroh yup stupid retards , beatings will continue until moral improves

@dander Should have deleted her, instead.
Remember females are the gatekeepers of sex. Sex does NOT happen unless the female says "yes".
She'll donit again and the government will protect her, again. Now both these men have ruined their lives and have a criminal record.

@dander @sardonicsmile sad that they got caught, but I support what they did, they should have gone all the way and killed the wife too.

@37712 @dander @sardonicsmile

You guys missed the mark with this one.

The guys maintained frame PERFECTLY!

With them being in jail his SMV just went up because now she has a bad-boy ex-con husband.

What a great display of dominance.

I'm SURE he was the only other guy she was cheating with...

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