@dander @Tfmonkey if you're okay driving that son of a bitch through shopping centre parking lots haha go for it assuming you're wanting it for a portable home?

@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey no intention to be anywhere near the city if i had that, i will stick to a house thats 3 hours away , that trailer could be a nice backup though . house prices gone down over there? howx the vaids die off going?

@dander @VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey I understand that many small trucking companies are filing bankruptcy due to falling rates. These heavy equipment assets are being sold off at very reasonable prices; I think they will fall even more as the economy contracts. Check Ritchie Bros. Auctions

@dander @VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey - Like many, I drive these things on the regular.

In an SHTF scenario, they have their uses... but I probably wouldn't invest in one. They require good roads and support infrastructure. The most frustrating thing about driving one pre-SHTF, is finding suitable parking. And there are many restrictions on where they can travel (look for "no truck" signs in your town - they're everywhere.

Post-SHTF, forget about it. Off-roading, even to simply bypass a roadblock, ➡️

@dander @VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey - is absolutely not an option. They get stuck often enough to be very annoying as a trucker (at about $800/tow)... but in adverse road conditions? - not happening. And there's no getting behind it and pushing.

Sorry. I don't mean to rain on a parade... But for the money, I think it's wiser to get a small fleet of used pickups. That way, all eggs aren't in one basket. And they'd be much more maneuverable. I like Ford Rangers for that.. They're common & cheap. 🍻

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