@dander - That's an image that... 🤔 Well, let's just say that I could have gone my whole life without seeing, and it would be a good life. 🧐

@YoMomz it was clearly set to sensitive , lol , its just pussy bro

@dander bro come on. We are not gay here and if you are let us know before hand so we can deal with you accordingly.

@dander yeah I know, I thought I was gonna see some nice tits


That's disgusting.

You do know that for straight guys this is like looking at some maggot infested meat, same disgust response.

@UncleIroh its almost like , it was marked as sensitive which required a niga to click agreeing to sensitive shit.

oh and the blatant "nohomobro"


Sure homo, straight guys post gay shit like you do. Keep it up and I'll mute, faggot.

@UncleIroh but its clearly pussy , either way everyone knows its only gay if you come first

@UncleIroh therefore did you miss penis inspection days at school? coz they mentioned all this

@dander @UncleIroh @Brianhere @YoMomz Technically he is right because if nohomo it should be hetero stuff.🤔

So he expected to see some hetero stuff and he saw homo stuff and was disgusted.🤮

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