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goys must know! since u will be saving all bank on used rides

dudgeon boosted
dudgeon boosted

MFW when I found out women get FREE grants to go to college.

i will be honest with you goys . am not much of a patient lady i cant wait for heart attacks 5 years times. am really hoping that china and russai and usa are all in it together . to cleanse the cities .

that they came up with the plan to nuked their gibs me dat for free cities but make it look like war. perfect crime . they get to slash dat carbon foot print . using very short half life too . maybe make it like a mass effect cycle kinda thing :D

hmmm , interdarasting ..... this si filtered by for this week , and those are mad gains in view count. especailly for shadow banned realm , very interdarasting !

they have to know that they have to do the thing right . i thought japs were high iq , unless they scared of getin cucked by uncle sam!

so u suck that murican dick and they promise you the world and ,only to cuck u a few years later ....

dudgeon boosted

I came to the conclusion in a SHTF scenario,I am not prepared to grow a garden or eat dehydrated meaLs as a survival plan,and even thou I like vegetables I don’t want to defend my garden from the masses.I have convinced my mind to accept Cannabilism as an option,so from a culinary point of view if pork,Beef,chicken or fish are non options.I will have to eat peoples.So I want to create a post apocalyptic survival cannibal cook book.But I don’t want it to seem racist,I will eat all equally

dudgeon boosted
dudgeon boosted
dudgeon boosted


lol fight for ukraine , the moment u die they tear ur body apart to hide ur id lol

> money printer go brrrrrrr
> clot shot ur people. with aids too and CJD ....
> start war with china
> start war with russia
> hmmmmmmm....

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.