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@VooDooMedic sounds to me , this would be a tool of chance / selective enforcement

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dudgeon boosted

Don't look at her ...

She's not worth your time ...

I know where she's been ...

Spinning Robot Pussy is temporary, but the glory of Patriarchy is eternal.

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7 foot asian mommy waifu doll.with banana milk filled titties .with a fringe , baby pink pale skin , B cup mommy milkies ,white sheer tube top and sheer summer long skirt . ALL I EVER WANTED frens put all ur autism together and make dream come true . some one unstable diffuse my prompt @VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey @zebuceta

7 foot asian mommy waifu doll.with banana milk filled titties .with a fringe , baby pink pale skin , B cup mommy milkies ,white sheer tube top and sheer summer long skirt . ALL I EVER WANTED frens put all ur autism together and make dream come true . some one unstable diffuse my prompt @VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey @zebuceta

dudgeon boosted

Someone told me they're thinking about selling their commodities at the bottom and buying tech stock during an irrational AI buying mania, and when I told them to do a flip when they kill themselves they clutched their pearls and acted offended because "I told them to kill themselves"

I fucking hate normies.

dudgeon boosted

@ButtWorldsMan @zebuceta @dander Even when a woman is with a catch, she will still cheat on him with guys who are objectively inferior to the guy she's with just for the "thrill" and the attention.

There is literally no defense against being cheated on. She may not leave you, but she'll cheat on you if she thinks she can get away with it.

dudgeon boosted

@ButtWorldsMan @zebuceta @dander It can fuck you up when you thought that being a 10 would protect you from being betrayed, and you were betrayed anyway.

All you can do is accept that women are awful and get a waifu.

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dudgeon boosted

@dander he just wasn't alpha enough. He didn't maintain frame. He picked the wrong one. He should have found a good Christian girl.

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@dander @VooDooMedic @zebuceta @basedbagel @ButtWorldsMan The reason for these attacks on civilians is that NATO wants Russia to attack Ukrainian civilians so that NATO can have a pretext to escalate the conflict.

Russia is doing the right thing by stepping up local defenses to protect civilians, but not fighting terrorism with terrorism. They don't need to, they're winning.

The Spring mud should be dry soon. Ukraine will launch their "counteroffensive" and then it'll be over.

my god we are so fucked.we are gettin nuked for sure. fuck sake man. imagine getting nuked because senile pedo cucked everyone . wat a way to fukin die fam . wtf
@VooDooMedic @zebuceta @basedbagel @Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan

for those of you planning on suck startin a shorty change of perspective helps immencely if dolls cringe u

dudgeon boosted

another proxy war am sure this time wont be sttretched too thin

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Pride Month starts

my liberal work place: mandatory zoom meeting for all

"Pride Month Live -
HIV/AIDS: Destigmatizing Care through Education Design"

even they know that LGBTQ+ ppl are deceased riddled degenerates

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.