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@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey @zebuceta

avoid the roads for now then after the collapse its all yours

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best part about the is i will be able to ride all trails with my motorbike. its really all am looking forward to . so many moutain bike or walking trails i cant use coz of fuking retarded rules. as if a motorbike can damage trails.

for aspiring motobikers out here . the best part about off road trails is you avoid playing with lemmings on the road and their one sided oroboros games. So for now focus on offroading after collapse

dudgeon boosted

so am watching this french show right ,12 years ago brother raped sister. and got her pregnant and their parents raised it as ther own.

apparently this sister used to walk around the house in her panties and would fuck other boys while the brother could hear it all so hence brother initiates mfw correction rape .to heal sister of her whorish ways. atleast it wasn't the classic standard honor killing

so the natives are learning from cultural enrichment ....the party has not even started yet

@VooDooMedic @zebuceta

congo guy have the longest dick, even that and bringing her from the jungle was not enough

why are there no midget sex dolls,thwy are perfect counter to weight.
@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey

we are so fucked coz not only do wehave to worry about that pesky 19th right but the everyday chemicals are cucking us too. not to even mention the .....

even knowing all these violent truths i feel like i dont even truely comprehend the true horror of it all. that my mind is not even capable comprehending it all.

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