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dudgeon boosted

they really want my uncut ,unvaxxed , uncucked , uncommie pureblood. @VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey literallly winning against bilions of dollars of propaganda and they still wont stop .. ez gg.

dudgeon boosted
dudgeon boosted
dudgeon boosted

I thought the 3 Laws of Robotics were:

1) If she uses binary code, she needs a sticky load.

2) If her vagina's insertable, she's good and squirtable.

3) If there's a SpRoPu, blast it like Goku.

dudgeon boosted
dudgeon boosted
dudgeon boosted

Attention please:

I will henceforth refer to the American Progressive Empire as "The Big GAE" which stands for "Global American Empire"

That is all.

its official. show me ur un cut unvaxed unwaivering face in drowned in trillions of dollars of deep state propaganda

never been a better time to work from home.

@VooDooMedic any heat attack happenings u know of around u?

dudgeon boosted
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