There is a fundamental issue with the quote "Equality always feels like a loss to people who are previously unfairly ahead" when you assume that those who are opposed to "equality" are doing so because they fit this category.

Sometimes, they are upset because they are being forcefully dragged back when they were getting ahead by their own merits. Many pro-equality/equity people operate under the assumption that inequality is the result of someone rigging things. Some people are just inferior.

This thought came to mind when I was watching this video which has quite the bluepilled take about men becoming more right wing. Here, we can see the full display of the pro equality mindset that feminism is good and that those who oppose feminism only do so because they were "unfairly ahead."

What if men are just better at certain things than women? Such as math, science, athletics, and a variety of other things?


Another side topic, the amazing cope of "men can just adjust to not being the primary breadwinners by finding other roles such as working part time or being the husband that stays at home."

Great! Let's see how well that works when we try to sell that to women, who still want men to fulfill that provider role/earning more. It is like retards pushing these ideas never see what the landscape looks like. It turns out, the natural order of men earning more is preferred by both men and women.

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Hell, let's make a poll. Men, if you had a woman who earned enough to provide for a family with her work, would you be willing to be a "house husband?"

Added conditions, she will never cheat, divorce you, love you, and still see you as a proper man (fantasy land, I know, but this is all hypothetical).

One addendum to make, the "love you" part is not a "will never." She will love you and see you as a proper man. I need to work on my wording sometimes.

Looks like the results are concluded. With the sample size that is totally scientific, it seems most men would be fine with such an arrangement. But I am willing to bet that most women would not be fine with this, even if they virtue signal that they would be.

But in the end, the faggots arguing that "men should embrace other roles" fail to understand that men would be fine accepting roles such as stay-at-home husband. It is the women who do not want this. So maybe lay off the men for once?


Only if I know the government will not raid the house and take away my family

Otherwise I am just not going to get married

@houseoftolstoy If I could be stay at home husband life would be so much easy.😇


You should have put love you before the never part on the list

She will never love you

@houseoftolstoy A woman with high cortisol lvs is a ticking bomb eventually she Wil go crazy

Depends could I still cheat on my wife with other more exciting women
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