
Whenever I see any talk about "inflation going down" or "deflation is coming," I get why this propaganda is being put out, but it is completely retarded if you understand that even a slight decrease in prices or a slowing of inflation is not going to help much.

It is like going from 60 mph to 90 mph and then hitting the breaks a little to go 85 instead. "See, we are slowing down now!" The going slower by 5 mph is not as important to factor in the long term when 60 was previously the norm.

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Let's say going from $1 to $2 in one week is 100% inflation per week

And going from $2 to $3.98 in one week is only 99% inflation per week

Look inflation has lowered

Inflation could continue to lower for all eternity while still never dropping below 95% inflation per week

If each time the percent inflation per week dropped by a smaller amount than last time

This would still have a continuous raise in prices every week while lowering percent inflation per week

@houseoftolstoy if for some reason we had a surplus and not a deficit, no welfare, and produced more than we consumed. Well that's never gonna happen...

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