Oh no! Men refusing to work with women, which hurts women's productivity! This is terrible!
Wait, why are these women unable to be as productive unless they are collaborating with men? Can't they just collaborate with each other? After all, we are told how smart and capable women are, so they should be just as productive when collaborating with other women.
Or perhaps this "collaboration" is just like what happens in group projects at school when you get paired up with a moron.
One thing I do remember is there was a Myth Busters episode "proving" there was a moon landing based on some equipment that is supposed to be there. There is just one problem with this whole thing: I am just getting fed information from a TV. I cannot verify anything and I am just seeing what the show wants me to see. To just accept this as fact is to be no better than the boomers thinking that Covid was the worst thing ever just because CNN said so.
When it comes to some theories, I see myself as agnostic in whether or not they are true.
Did we actually land on the moon? I would not be shocked if we didn't, but I am not hard set in whether it happened either way. It does make me scratch my head when we see the current effort to "go back to the moon" facing a series of setbacks.
Are they failing because they are a bunch of DEI hires? Or is it because we are trying to something that is not actually possible?
When I was in grade school, the thought of the idea that the US would ever cease to exist or decline was just something that seem like crazy talk. But now, seeing the state of the world and the waning power of the US, I see the latter happening and the former being a very strong possibility. Wouldn't it be something if the United States of America was something you read about in some book rather than an existing country? In 100 or more years, that does not seem so crazy.
@MeBigbrain @ChristiJunior @tyler @Ghislaine They don't care about the "muh state lines" thing, they are just hoping to use it as a weapon against him. This is a leftist/libtard tactic, to look for any means to attack their enemies. They care not if they contradict what they said at previous times, as long as they can use it to attack who they see as their enemy.
They need constant updates from their superiors in order to appear consistent. Thus, the leftist media apparatus.
@WashedOutGundamPilot @udongle So she went from a "basic ass local" to a basic tatted dyed-hair fatty.
@BHG @basedbagel For example, Milei on paper appears to be great. But how much will he be allowed to do in the long run? I fear that he will eventually be subverted by the Big GAE that wants to push their progressive bullshit. We saw Bolsonaro in Brazil get "voted out" with a suspicious election, as well as likely many other leaders in other countries. We cannot trust politics to fix the system, so trying to metagame politics to cater to women will not work with that in mind either.
@BHG @basedbagel I am not against making the best of a situation that you have. However, I am not for putting in the maximal effort into something for mediocre at best results.
Maybe the "best" solution we want cannot be feasibly enacted at this time. I am just not seeing a strong focus on politics as the solution with the current system, especially when we have seen what happens even when we get someone who is "our guy" in office. Often, he gets subverted from doing anything good.
@sardonicsmile I am confused. How exactly are these two women fighting over custody? Were they a lesbian couple? Or was there some other dumpster fire level of dysfunction going on that I am not aware of?
@BHG @basedbagel Also, it is a glaring issue that we need to play the emotional game of picking a more "attractive" candidate to appeal to women. This shows that we cannot win them over with logic, which means we cannot address other issues unless we cater to their whims at every single turn. This means we are at best slow to solve problems. But usually it means we do not solve any problems at all.
The problem I see is that @BHG is trying to figure out a way to win within the current rule set while @basedbagel points out that the current rule set is rigged against being able to actually solve the problem. You have to bend over backwards too much just to get inferior results when you confine yourself to the rigged rule set.
@sj_zero Also, some theories get the well poisoned with additional nonsensical parts so that way it can be "debunked" by the establishment media. They only "debunk" the added crazy parts while not addressing any reasonable parts. That way when someone searches for a conspiracy theory, it leads to "it was debunked" links. The news later loosely references these "debunkings" loosely, hoping you do not look any deeper than their own sources.
@iboughtcryptowhoops This is one example where appearances can be deceiving. What I mean is this couple in the video, not the subject of the video.
When I first saw these two, my assumption was that the man would have the most soyed out politics imaginable. But I was quite wrong. And I am glad to be wrong in cases like these.
@dave They have a season 2? I was not aware that they had a real audience for that dumpster fire of a show.
@basedbagel @theFlow Another moral: anyone who cares about the well-being of a fictional character over that of a real person should not be taken seriously (assuming the real life person is not a horrible person).
@LouisConde I recall a picture of an abandoned hotel that had plenty of trees growing around and in where it used to be. Nice to know that nature can recover, both in terms of environmental restoration and hysterical shitlibs being wrong.
@dickflatteningenthusiast I have a theory that it is being pushed with the powers that be knowing it does not and will not work long term, seeing it as an opportunity to force everyone into "smart cities" and defacto ending car ownership without outright banning it.
That way they can say "we did not force you to get rid if your car" while they pushed for the outcome of car removal.
Looks like this will be my new home. Warning: I (probably) have Asperger's, so my be prepared for my autism to show through.
I don't think I am a right wing extremist, but I am sure anyone with low testosterone might think otherwise.