@shortstories Bloodline really is not critical either if you are a follower of Christ. The major point of Christianity was to spread Jesus's message to all people and to bring them to salvation.
@Mongoliaboo "Chosen people" my eye. Some Christians need to read Matthew 3:7-9. Which in itself says God can raise up the "children of Abraham" from the stones itself if he wanted.
Also, would these people do such labor if it were not for the fact it was done in Israel? Making wine is not exactly critical work that is necessary to help others.
This is a great point to bring up to anyone who claims to be Christian and is a Zionist at the same time. Why should we consider Jews to be "similar" or "the same" as Christian when they reject the most fundamental beliefs and teachings that Christians follow?
Maybe it effects things in the smallest of margins with "swing voters," but who really knows with fake and gay elections. Be it purely theater or only partially theater, it is still a song and dance that we see when it comes to politics and skeletons in the closet coming out.
All I know is when someone expects me to change how I would vote because of some mention of a character fault, I know that any discussion is pointless and fraudulent.
In the end, we still have the values we wish to keep when it comes to political outcomes. While the politicians involved are poor stewards to enact said outcomes, they are really the only players able to do so, and most people choose the option they see as better. Therefore, they will vote for a candidate they know is scum if they think that candidate will enact the policies they want. Which shows that character is not as big of a factor as it is made out to be.
If you dare venture in any shithole such as Reddit, you will see full on shilling to defend any Democrat politician who has any skeletons brought up.
"He admitted to it and apologized for doing it, so it is settled! Isn't he a great example, owing up to his errors?"
"No, I don't think he should step down and stop running. But that Republican that did something just as bad should step down because he is Republican and therefore evil!"
This is not to say that the politicians do not deserve to be held accountable for these things. They are politicians after all, and are going to be the worst kind of people because good people do not go into politics nor last long if they do somehow get far enough into politics.
But the thing is, whenever someone brings up bad actions from someone they support, they find a way to dismiss it. Because character never really mattered in the first place.
With another election year coming up (fake and gay as it all will be), there is inevitably going to be the search for skeletons in the closet. It is going to be largely meaningless once again, because it turns out that anyone who brings up these issues as proof of "bad character" is doing so disingenuously. They care not about the bad character, but they are hoping they will shame anyone who supports a particular politician to no longer support them.
Character attacks are just a weapon.
@ceo_of_monoeye_dating She uses the term "scrote," which tells us she is a man hater by default. The female equivalent of the guy that uses the term "foid."
Not surprising he was not interested, as he could probably sense that she was the exact kind of woman who would be nothing but a bitch to deal with.
@WashedOutGundamPilot @ceo_of_monoeye_dating I take it that "I'm not interested" would not work? And I would guess it would lead to the conversation where she would pitch a fit about how her being fat is not a valid reason for rejection?
@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan The problem is that they do not come to the conclusion that the left is wrong about this, but rather they still insist that they are on the left but not one of those man hating lefties. Never do they come to understand that the left is necessarily anti-male because they need to put men down in order to get anywhere near equality (though it is still not enough).
But that is to be expected when you don't live in reality.
@UncleIroh "Toxic masculinity!" A phrase only that can only be used unironically if you are a soyboy or a basic bitch woman. So it is no shock it is constantly used, all while trying to employ every mental gymnastic that it is the political left's own anti-male rhetoric causing men to correctly choose avoiding them.
If all you do is use the stick and never use the carrot, eventually the stick stops hurting and the carrot becomes rotten.
Or think about most competitions, be it sports, gaming, music, or any other activity you can think of. The competition itself is just minutes of time out of the day (when factoring in only the moments where some activity is happening). Yet people prepare a crazy amount of time just for the few minutes of competition.
Once more, we see significance in the quality, not quantity, in that time spent.
And contrary to the impression many people want to give about sex (namely their own performance and how long they can go at it), sex probably does not last all that long for most people. Even the longest outliers, the act itself does not last that long when you consider the grand total of your life. Yet again, many people make a huge deal out of it.
Often, it is not the quantity of time to consider, but the quality.
Some of the moments we consider highly important really do not last that long when you think about it. When going to the gym, if you are doing 3 sets of 5 for 3 different lifts, each set probably lasts about 1 minute each. That makes 9 minutes of time spent going hard. 9 minutes is not a lot of time, in the grand scheme of the day, but those are 9 very important minutes.
Yes, you need to devote time for rest between sets too, but I hope my point makes sense.
@basedbagel @UncleIroh Even if all problems you listed did not exist, it just sounds disgusting. No, I have never tried it, and never will, and I have no desire to ever try that.
@basedbagel @UncleIroh Even "promiscuous" species like chimpanzees still do not circumvent the end result of the babies being made.
Humans, on the other hand, have found numerous downsides when we try to circumvent the biological purpose of sex. I suspect many women are mentally unstable as a direct or indirect result of them circumventing their biological drives to reproduce. Plus, all the diseases and other problems you listed are an issue when you do deviant things like anal sex.
@basedbagel @UncleIroh >4. Gives people the false notion that sex is about pleasure > baby making leading to insane ideas like abortion
Yes, the pleasure that comes from sex is what enables babies to be made. Anyone who does not acknowledge that the primary purpose of sex is to reproduce is delusional. Humans are the only species I am aware of that tries to circumvent the primary purpose of sex, as every other species uses sexual intercourse for the intended purpose of reproduction.
@basedbagel 2nd, money. Sure, gas will cost you money, but a flight will cost you even more. You easily save money when you drive instead of flying. And given that it comes around to about the same amount of time, you are just choosing if you want to spend more money so that you don't have to be having your hands on the wheel the whole time.
@basedbagel 7 hour drive easy. I hate long drives, but it is going to be superior to the 3 hour flight for several reasons.
1st, time. You have to allocate at least 2 hours prior to arrive at the airport before you get on your plane. And depending on how far you live from the airport, you have travel time to account for there too. And then you have the actual flight. After, you have to wait a while just to get off the flight. So at the low end it will take you about 6 hours (if you are lucky).
Looks like this will be my new home. Warning: I (probably) have Asperger's, so my be prepared for my autism to show through.
I don't think I am a right wing extremist, but I am sure anyone with low testosterone might think otherwise.