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@deprecated_ii Best response to this is that women are creating this problem, as straight men do not care if a woman wears the same outfit more than one time. It is only other women who would say anything.

Or how women get angry if another woman wears the same dress/outfit that they have on, while men just mutually compliment each other for having good taste.

@CoQ_10 takes me back to 2016 when every media outlet talked about how "dark" Donald Trump's speech was at the RNC that year. I have an image but I am away from home.

@houseoftolstoy Hardly anybody notices what you're doing. Well, men don't, women DO have their radar spinning to judge each other, so like most media this is a piece by fat women for fatter women, exerting its will on hypothetical men

I don't need 21 minutes of talk to solve this issue. I can do it with one sentence:

Stop being a faggot and start lifting you pussy.

The only people who fear "gymtimidation" are those that should be gatekept from going to the gym in the first place. But considering the low testosterone audience, I suppose this segment will appeal to them.

If you see someone who is a swole beast that lifts heavy, you should be inspired, not "gymtimidated."

@WashedOutGundamPilot That sounds a lot like moralizing something that mostly an issue with genetics. For this guy, I would not be suprised if his paternal grandmother was short, and he got a recessive short gene from his dad and a short gene from his mom, making him get a bad stat roll for his height. Sucks, but it can happen.

And his mom is full of shit, even if she is trying to spare his feelings. But perhaps it is her own shallowness coming to bite her in the form of a short son.

>diehard foodie

Ordering DoorDash 8 times per week does not make you a "foodie".

@Aviz @konata @Zoomerman88 I see it as a failed attempt at a compliment that revealed herself as a slut. She wants him to pay full sticker price for a used car, because "he is a much more caring car owner than the guys who rented me out to drag race!"

Now that she is no longer in her sleep around phase she wants security. But being the secure guy is a bad deal if she is not a virgin.

@Zoomerman88 The problem with her saying "I would not hook up or fwb with you" is that it means there is zero doubt that she was sleeping around years back. Yes, many women do that, but having full confirmation that she did makes her a bad prospect for marriage. Even worse when she states that YOU get to be the guy that has to invest more than other guys who got it for no real cost. Which is her saying she does not find you attractive, even if she does not outright admit it.

Tim Walz is the libtard beta test of the "Hicklib" archetype, seeing if they can successfully exploit this type of aesthetic physiognomy on a broader scale.

@synapsid funny thing with Tim Walz is that he was previously branded as a Democrat that could appeal to traditionally right leaning voters. In a way that was true, given he was a representative in a district that was one of the redder parts of Minnesota. Though that might also be due to a special brand of Minnesota voter stupidity.

But it seems that he either became more lefty or simply took the mask off once he became the governor. So he certainly now fits the "hicklib" mold. "See? He hunts!"

@houseoftolstoy The current era is the strongest argument for the ancient practice of fathers choosing husbands for their daughters.

@Goalkeeper these faggots know they only are able to make the show bases on name recognition for the IP. So what is the point of using that same name if you are just going to "do your own thing" instead of being faithful to the source material?

The reason I see is these people think of themselves as creative, but failed in being able to make their own original thing. So they settle on wearing the corpse of another story so they can do what they wanted while not caring about the fan base.

I have seen a lot of moronic terms pop up these days:

"I can feel his energy"

Terms like these are the result of women being inept at navigating the dating marketplace. The first two terms are just women not being able to think past their own feelings. They just go with what feels good in the moment.

And "situationships" are just women being willing to be strung along by a guy they find attractive while he does not give them commitment.

@justnormalkorean I don't care if animals die to get me food. They are not the equivalent to humans, and I will not place them at the same level as me. So I am not feeling one bit of guilt eating meat.

There are adults who have not memorized the addition tables who are attending college classes at taxpayer expense

As in they have to count with their fingers and toes to add a number between 1 and 9 to another number between 1 and 9

Worse there are actually adults who can not even count with their hands who are admitted to colleges at taxpayer expense

Did you know that they could not understand what they signed up for when they applied for student loans & no one stopped them

Prove me wrong

The UK is not unique in this regard. This will be taking place in many countries, including the US possibly too. What is the point of national pride if your own government hates you and favors those who are committing criminal acts against your people?

And when things get worse and worse, those very migrants that the government panders to now will not be saving anything. At best they will leave and at worst they will hasten the destruction.

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I don't know that any full blown revolution will happen or any real political change will take place. But I do know that there are no good outcomes to come at the end of this. The people will stop having any sense of national pride, there will be less motivation to strive and sacrifice for the good of their country.

Essentially, I see a slow collapse forming as the result of all this if there is not a more drastic wave of change.

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Seeing all the latest news on the riots and protests in the UK over the government showing that they despise their own native citizens has me thinking about how the status quo can no longer remain. Perhaps the riots will not amount to anything, but if the citizens have a memory better than a goldfish things will not and cannot just go back to normal for them. At least it should not.

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