@deprecated_ii is this faggot defending the decision by the government to send electric chainsaws to an area with no electricity? Is it too much to ask to put your retarded climate change agenda on hold when there is an emergency?
Not that they should ever have those retarded ideas, but I just ask for a ceasing of defending retarded decisions by a government worker.
@Humpleupagus @Dudebro @Silverwolf ask these same people what they think the minimum wage should be, and ask them what they think the illegal aliens get paid for their work. Chances are that they are holding on to too many contradictory principles that cannot coexist.
Not that they care, as they just want to score points on the "MAGAs." Apparently illegals can live without a "living wage."
@TrevorGoodchild most men do not want an obvious sign that they are not the biological father of the child when they are out in public, even if they would not describe themselves as racist. Most men inherently do not want to be seen publicly as cucks.
@AmonMaritza @doctorsex @sickburnbro @TrevorGoodchild It will be less of a "want" and more of a necessity by consequences because it will make women more likely to consider if they really want to be having sex with a guy if they think that he is going to be a bad candidate for a father.
Many women still will make bad choices, but there will be a better chance that women will act better when the consequences are more severe.
@deprecated_ii apparently we just inherit the ability to maneuver and control ships in the water rather than learning over time from more experienced men before us. We can just do the whole avatar state and recall the knowledge and abilities from men before us, and women have less ancestors to use for their avatar state.
And I suppose any experienced man telling a woman how to operate the ship were just mansplaining too much.
@Dicer women who think that their "ambition" and career are assets to attracting men are failing to understand what men want. Men care about a woman being feminine, and a woman who chases her career often does so at the expense of her femininity, which makes them less attractive to men.
And whenever someone tries to warn women about this, they get told to stop talking. It is not men's fault that women are not getting the message.
@Humpleupagus looks like she decided on plastic surgery rather than aging gracefully. Don't know why these people think going full Bogged is a great idea, you just look like a freak.
Just saw an ad that stated:
"In 2020, voter turnout was 66%. This year, let's make it 100%."
Standard "get out the vote" garbage. There are many people that should not vote. Thankfully, some of them don't. But a lot of people who shouldn't still do vote.
Not that voting is going to matter all that much, as the deep state can just "find" more votes at 4 a.m. anyways.
@deprecated_ii Many comparisons have been made to what happened in Hawaii, and given how Hawaii always votes Democrat every election, you had mostly Democrat voters suffering with our government's "response" to the disaster there.
So yes, it probably will not matter who is affected, the government is not there to help you.
@sickburnbro We would also need less housing if not for the large influx of immigration over time (whether legal or illegal).
Housing is a major component to why we have such a large amount of immigrants coming into the US. It keeps property values higher by inducing scarcity, and higher housing prices keeps the boomer happy.
I like many others experienced an outage in cell phone coverage. But I had to remember that it was in reality just a minor convenience to my own life rather than something truly catestrophic. I could be someone living in the Southeast right now that lost their house and family members.
So I have little reason to complain.
@shortstories Perhaps, though I suspect that selecting Trump to be President gives them more plausible reason to escalate to war than having Harris be selected.
At this point I will look at the election results in November not as an indication of who won a "free and fair" election, but rather as an indication of what the string pullers want to do next.
Kamala Harris wins: stay the course and double down on going full globohomo
Donald Trump wins: pivot to full blown war with Iran, put globohomo plans on a brief pause
Either way, I am not optimistic for a good future until the US collapses in some form.
Looks like this will be my new home. Warning: I (probably) have Asperger's, so my be prepared for my autism to show through.
I don't think I am a right wing extremist, but I am sure anyone with low testosterone might think otherwise.