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@p @judgedread in an age with birth control and abortions, simply having sex is not a guarantee to have children. The problem is that less young people have long term relationships and marriages, which are necessary to have children (raised in a proper home and not with a horrible single mother).

Marriage is a bad deal for men these days. The deal needs to be better to solve the problem.

@DW2 I remember a time when libshits were uptight about Trump ruining relationships with other countries, and that now that "the adults are in the room" things would get better.

Doesn't look like things are getting better to me. Looks more like they are pushing us further to WWIII than Trump ever could.

Meanwhile our own government declares anyone on the right as "domestic terrorists" if they attend school board townhalls and voice their opposition of teaching gay sex at schools or if they walk into the capital building for a few hours when being let in by police.

I hope China laughs in his face and calls him a faggot.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @suquili @TeaTootler I can tell you firsthand as a man with sisters that there is ZERO desire for any sort of sexual relationship with your siblings. It is easy to think that you like the idea of incest when you are seeing things from the third person at a girl who is NOT YOUR SISTER. Anyone who says otherwise either does not have a sibling of the opposite sex or is deranged.

@Shadowman311 @weaf @Umlaut @nugger @DW2 All those amazing looking castles Anglo-Saxon Apu used to post back on Gab, people need to remember that all of those existed because the countryside was so dangerous and chaotic. Each one of those was a military instillation built to help people survive attacks by armies, raiders, and even bandits. The fact that Europe is so heavily sprinkled with the things speaks to just how dangerous life was, from the retreat of Rome right up until WW I.

Imagine if a zombie plague kept breaking out, and to survive the occasional waves of flesh eating undead the living had to build fortifications they could retreat to. Now imagine we finally wipe out the zombies, but the fortifications remained, and our descendants preserved them out of nostalgia. That's what those castles are. They're beautiful and impressive, but their very existence is a reminder that the normal state of man is bloody war. We've forgotten that, and our children will suffer because of that lapse of memory.

@idea_enjoyer Not once do I hear a word from the woman cop about what they might be doing wrong. Just a bunch of passive dancing around the topic. How about telling then why they are being confronted? Is that too hard to do?

@deprecated_ii Side comment about the whole "work life balance." Yes, we probably can have a lot of occupations with scaled back hours. However, this does not address birth rates, as Europeans would have a higher birth rate than the US if work life balance were the key factor. Given both Europe and the US both have low birth rates, there is clearly another factor (feminism).

I am not opposed to changing work hours and all, but the "I have no time for a family due to work" is getting tired.

And leftists being arrested for opposing Israel just shows that the government is only leftist as far as it gives them power. Once the foot soldiers start going out of the bounds of approved causes to support, they show that they have no issue putting leftists in their place as well.

Power always comes before ideology when it comes to those who rule.

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Though leftists being strongly opposed to how the current administration is supporting Israel in their genocide just made me realize something: there is no mainstream option that exists for anyone who is against Israel/for Palestine. Because Trump has been even more vocal with his Israel dick sucking.

It just validates the whole America being a vassal state to Israel theory. Not that there was not decades of politicians always voting to give Israel all the money they can.

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With all the outrage from the Palestine supporters on the left at the current administration, many of them might either sit out this election or protest vote for a third party. It could cost Democrats the White House.

Ha, who am I kidding? They will just "secure" the election again with some extra ballots they just happened to find at the last minute. So who cares if their own side is fighting against them? It is not as if they care about anyone's opinions once they have power.

So how it goes in Sacred DemocracyLand.

All successful "protest movements" since about the 60s have been astroturfed gay ops backed by oligarchs

@TeaTootler @PraxisOfEvil She is "mid sized" only due to the average weight going up with obesity being on the rise. Just because you are not as fat as others does not mean you are not fat yourself.

@deprecated_ii This thought process can only come about from someone who cannot think abstractly or look at the big picture. "My husband might be abusive and hit me!" just tells you that a woman is incapable of judging the moral character of a man. And yet such women will think they can judge the moral character of politicians at the same time.

And when they vote for policies that harm them in the long run, they have a hard time connecting the dots due to a lack of long term thinking.

@PinochetsCommieCopter Women get treated well, take it for granted, and carry on screwing things up that they don't understand. You can't win them over as a voting bloc rationally. The only way to "win" the female vote is to control the screens. Zogslop tells them what to think. If we control the means of programming the normies it's trivial to turn women into the most zealous enforcers of our ideals so long as they're presented in a way that flatters their egos. Women as a group are a passive entity, and are an obstacle to us because we tried playing the "reason" game instead of recognizing that mass media technologies in a democratic regime validate themselves, the masses are slaves to the ideological framework the screens spoonfeed them. Hitler was the one rightwing political figure to really embrace the power of modern media to control the masses. Most others recoiled from such ideas of control, despite the fact that a certain level of social control over the normies is needed, and women are the normiest of normies.

@PinochetsCommieCopter attempting to win women over is what is causing society to be destroyed. Women demand abortions, easy divorce, quotas for jobs they are not qualified for, and free money in a variety of forms. Just what good is it to "win women over" when that course leads to destruction? So if they bitch over not being "won over," then so what? It is not as if we can win under these conditions either way.

Gonna try my hand at an old fashioned effort poast this morning.

So as expected, the House passed a number of controversial bills last week- pumping billions more in aid to Taiwan, Ukraine and the genocidal maniacs of Pissrael. They also effectively voted to ban TikTok.

The important thing here is that these actions represent a full mask off, “fuck you plebs” from the regime. Everyone is extremely pissed off in some way or another - shitlibs over Israel funding/TikTok, rightoids over Ukraine and the complete lack of border funding, and normie independents at some combination of the bills.

All of this legislation was passed at about the exact same time the NYPD was called in to bust up the Columbia Gaza protests. I think this is jarring for a lot of people - banning websites and calling in the goon squads to shut down free speech is something that Big Bad Mean ol Russia/China/Iran do. It‘s not supposed to happen in Sacred DemocracyLand, yet this blatant repression is happening with widespread support from both parties.

Given all that’s happened recently, a lot of normies are starting to adopt beliefs that were one time confined to the fringes - namely, that democracy is a sham, our supposed “freedoms” can be crushed at will and that both parties take their orders straight from the likes of Jon Greenblatt and Zionist jew oligarchs. The latter is especially notable, since for the first time the public (many of them Tik Tok watching Zoomers) is aware of the immense power of jewish political lobbies.

In short, the regime is now resorting to hard power and blatant disregard of the public’s will to preserve itself. The thing is, hard power has its limits, and when you completely destroy your credibility the idea of telling DC to fuck off starts to take root. Zog’s empire is starting to crumble, and at some point it will take an L so big that it will implode.

Something to think about as we all goof off at work on this Monday morning.

@UncleIroh I suspect two factors are at play for the many of these numbers. A lower number indicates a lower life expectancy, though also a higher birth rate. A higher number is the inverse with a higher life expectancy and a lower birth rate. May not line up perfectly, but I know it tracks for the extremes of the data.

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