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Those that claim young children are trans because "they came to that conclusion on their own" are full of shit. Anyone who has been around children for long periods of time know how impressionable they are.

I get a strong suspicion that the people pushing this tranny ideology are using the fact that a lot of childless people are completely unaware of how impressionable young children are. Because the tranny pushers who groom young children most certainly are aware of this.

@deprecated_ii The dead can't testify against the government when it is discovered that they were overreaching in their crackdowns against those who are not in favor of the current government.

brain worms

the rules don't mean shit if they're not followed

how many inspectors are signing off on terrible work because the contractor slipped them some cash

how many inspectors are too fat and lazy to do more than walk around the structure once and call it good

how many inspectors have no idea what to look for even if they want to do a good job
>New NPR CEO back in 2016 has to say "I'm not an agent" when normie libshit smells the glow :glowie:
Those last 20 people listening to NPR keep taking Ls :kek:

@picandor So since we do not have a homogenous society in America (and realistically never will), we must do the next best thing. What is that? Brutal punishment for those who commit crimes.

But given his faggy politics, there is no way Michaels Sebastian would accept those terms. So he should shut up about this issue if I am indeed correct about him being unwilling to allow the proper solutions to the problem.

@picandor Had to look up this Michael Sebastian guy to see what I am dealing with. A libtard, or a cuckservative, or something else? It was the first.

So with that in mind, I would say to Michael that there are ways to give us a high trust society. But given his politics, he would throw a bitch fit at anything that would solve the problem. If you want the results that others have, you must do what others do.

Japan is (but no longer may be homogenous). Which helps them keep their high trust.

@weaf I bet they said this because they don't have the imagination to understand a story beyond the details they specifically created.
"What happened to X after New Vegas?"
Doesn't matter, it doesn't affect MY story so it's gone.

This is the same reason the Star Wars books were taken out of "canon" the writers were incapable of fitting a greater reality into their understanding.

Everything must be specific and deliberately created by them or it's better off gone. Zero actual imagination.

@WashedOutGundamPilot What they don't mention about the births after 40 is that most of those women already had a bunch of children previously. All those times they were pregnant extended their fertility window. So it is not the same when a woman who is in her late 30s is trying to have her first kid.

While women are done a disservice by not being told the truth, many of them reject such advice and/or are willfully making the choices of delaying their search for a husband.

@LouisConde I would make a bet that there were plenty of posts that disapprove of the changes, but are promptly removed by mods on the site. Can't allow any opinions outside of the "correct" ones!

@WashedOutGundamPilot The countries that still have one husband with multiple wives are not the bastians of civilization. One man one wife is a far better model as it gives each man a proper stake in society.

The exception to this model is when there is an extreme male scarcity, which would mean that the "men with no stake" part of the equation no longer applies. But again, that male scarcity is not an ideal situation either, as that is usually the result of a brutal war.

@WashedOutGundamPilot Indeed, men should be around to raise their children if they want them to be successful. But even if we entertain the idea that one man impregnating multiple women could be present in all his children's lives, there is a reason this model should not be practiced. Civilization cannot be sustained with this long term, as the men who are left without women see no stake in society.

Look at our country's trajectory today and see how well that model does not work.

@Engineer Verse 23 explicitly states that God's word is meant to be spread to more than just the Jews. As in, things are changing from what they used to be.

Please to come at me with the "contradictions" that are not there when you are looking at selective context. Far too many an internet atheist do this and show a shallow understanding of the context.

@Engineer How about you read the lines before and after John 4:22 to get the surrounding context?

"Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews. But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him."

@Engineer These so-called Christians need to read more of their Bible. For example, Luke 3:7-10 and Galatians 3:7-9

These verses clearly contradict that Jews are special and above all others, as Jesus created a new covenent that replaced the old covenent.

Shitposting on the internet is literally causing blackrock kikes to have shitfits in corporate meetings.

@Ghislaine You don't just "happen to have" a penis. It was something that was established before you are even born. And don't tell me that some man is going to be able to trick another man into thinking that he is a "she" for a long enough time for a real relationship to form (and that is being generous, as most do not "pass" in the slightest).

@Tfmonkey with you mentioning the Iron Dome being all smoke and mirrors, it made me think of something else. What if that was the case with our nuclear weapons as well?

Not saying it is definitely true, but if it was, then the US is even more screwed as we would not have that as a real deterrent. And it would make countries like Russia even more bold because they of all countries would know that it is smoke and mirrors too.

Just a thought, not sure if there is merit, but it makes me think.

Fucking White Nat Nazi types saying that the state needs to intervene in mens lives to make them more manly so that T levels can be raised to raise birthrates.

Fucking retards how about the State GETS OUT OF MENS LIVES. I could guarantee you'd see stronger men w/ more T if you empower them & gtfo of their way for them to rule their homes, fuck their wives, and raise their kids. How about ending Divorce, Alimony, Child Support, and the whole 9 yards instead of butting into men's lives.


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