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:AiNani: nigger, who do you think makes all our shit

the "we'll cut china off from our markets" card expired 30 years ago, how are people this fucking stupid?
As long as I've been alive, more poor people have died from the effects of obesity than starvation. Poor people have televisions, smart phones, electricity, running water, sewage. They can go to elementary school and high school and have a chance of going to college. As long as I've been alive, people haven't had to worry about agricultural output, they were going to eat. They didn't need to worry about how many houses were being built, they'd have a place to stay. they didn't need to worry about how much wood was being cut, they'd have enough heat for the winter. It doesn't matter how dry the well gets, they'd have enough water.

They're insulated from the reality of how their life is maintained. That's why they start to act as if they don't need to worry about a lack of food, where our grandparents had pantries packed with canned food. That's why they start to act as if work is just a nuisance that should be abolished rather than a mandatory contribution to the society that benefits them. That's why they start to act as if we can shut off the biggest forms of energy, rather than a genocidal and insane proposition.
Tradition is simply the answers to questions long forgotten

When Russia wins against Ukraine, prepare for all the articles stating how Russia's losses were immense and how their victory does not really mean all that much. I already have seen articles stating that Russia attacking power stations shows that Putin is "desperate." Yes, using tactics to weaken the enemy means you are desperate. Funny how Putin was apparently evil for invading Ukraine only to wait this long to carry out attacks like that.

They expect you not to question the contradictions.

>new libtard social network just dropped
>seems like no phone number required

muh niggas, i want you to register for this shit, make your avatar into some smug anime girl and post racist shit at everyone in one massive coordinated wave. let's do something just like the habbo raids from 15 years ago.

@DW2 From that origin post from the girl in p1:

I love this “uhh… what do you have in common?” attitude.

Woman: *We’ve never spoken the same tongue. I have, all my life, only ONCE found a woman who could “keep up” and decipher my conversations to the point we could have a full-pace chat that didn’t require backtracking and background explanation. The vast majority of you are basically interchangeable.

The difference between dating a 28 year old and a 20 year old is that the 28 yo responds to every statement under the sun with “NU-UH! What about - “ followed by the most fringe case she can imagine to disprove the rule. “*nu-uh, it’s not ALWAYS dark during the nighttime, what about those moon things where it’s really bright? Or living at the north pole? It’s bright all day there!!!!”

Wow, amazing, what a brilliant mind you’ve forged in the fires of a Master’s Degree in Sociology. Brilliant.

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Huffpost is trash, so no link. But you can look that up and find it if you want.

The important takeaway is that a call for diplomacy from anti-war Democrats was immediately quashed by the establishment because they want to keep the war going. This shows that the anti-war left is only given glowing attention when they are considered useful to the narrative. When they are not, they are put in the corner, just like every other pet cause that makes up the coalition of the American left.

@BigDuck @Leaflord @Ottovonshitpost @GLObalMARinePR @NotAWeeb @graf Like the marriage thing? In simple terms, the military expects you to uphold the same standards of behavior your grandfather did, while letting women do anything they want.

Guys want to get out of the communal bunk beds, and one way to do that as a punk is to get married so they put you up in married housing with your new wife. Gold diggers like it because they get free insurance, housing, and their new “hubby” ends up out of state for 8 months at a time anyways. So they’ll both impulsively marry at 19, and when she trades up to a new BF the military treats her like a battered holy maiden and grants her a TON of hubby’s meager earnings, etc. I think she’ll always get a portion of his retirement, too.

Even if it’s a 2-year ‘marriage’ she’ll get letters 50 years later notifying her that she’s got half that guy’s pension if he put the years in and retired.

At least all of this reflects on my going theory about many of these leftists who are more vocal against the current narrative. They sense something is not quite right, and they realize that they are not going to get what they want by swallowing the narrative. But sensing something is wrong is not enough, you have to understand the why as well as the what.

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If only they would realize that their ideals of equality will never be able to manifest in the way they want. I do think that they are genuine in their desires. They just cannot bridge that last gap that their ideals cannot work. Because if the Cathedral fails, they will not come out with the lesson that their vision of equality cannot truly be achieved, but rather that they need to try again, this time the "correct" way.

Then more assholes get in power, and the cycle continues.

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I have seen others on the Left have this outlook too. If Russel Brand is indeed authentic with what he presents in his most recent videos and not just a pressure valve release, he may have also came to the conclusion that those in power who push leftist messaging have no intention of delivering on the actual goal of equality, but rather use it for their own means of seizing power.

So when they voice any opposition to the powers that be, it is due to the realization that it is only about power.

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I find this guy interesting. Yes, given he is a communist he is completely off base with reality, but he is not completely in lock-step with the establishment Left/Cathedral. That is, he does not seem to see the current people in power as the actual means to his end of getting the communist wet dream. But he has yet to realize what the establishment has already figured out, communism does not work in practice, but it sure as hell can be used to help you seize power.

See, when Zog does it it's good, cause it's all for Freedom and Democracy and poopdick and tranny toddlers

@Tfmonkey by "more than in general," I mean all children collectively. This is why we need higher character limits.

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