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Yes, I know the cat was out of the bag in 2020, and that we cannot trust the election results in many cases. But this will show if there is a genuine start of a trend or if 2020 was just big enough of a deal for them to be so overt on stealing.

And it will show if anyone is going to be foolish enough to put money on the table for a candidate that does not have the Cathedral's approval in a swing state.

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Screenshot of as of now. What is important is not what the numbers exactly are for swing states, but rather what happens when people realize what is happening with any "mail in votes" or any other shenanigans. Bets will swing if they know something is in the works.

If there is any riggery, I have to wonder if anyone is going to want to place a bet, since the outcome can always be "fortified."

I just thought of a great way to cut down and the amount of time and effort it takes for journalists to do their work: all they have to do is stop lying!

Just think of how much time it takes to dance around the topics or create a narrative to get people to think a certain way. You could be far more efficient by just cutting out the bullshit and just having the truth to begin with. All that crafting of half-truths and spinning takes much more work that being straightforward.

Some random anon on Gab said something mean about Joe Biden. This is clearly proof of a Russian plot to hack the election

That's the story. Can we still get access to that Journo instance so I can bully them. They have it coming

Something I just thought up, I really do not have an issue with flat earthers. They are not demanding I pay any tax or change my life to conform to their ideas. They just choose to live thinking the earth is flat. Even those who are dedicated to debunking them have not demanded taxes be paid because of that fact.

The climate change faggots, on the other hand, want me to pay more taxes to fund their idiotic ideals and make me change the way I live. Screw those people.

This midterm will tell us for sure if there is any use for and betting markets for highly contested elections. Normally, it serves as a great barometer for seeing who is likely to win. But with "election fortifications," this tool cannot serve its function.

The only question is will this election one be stolen or not.

That's right, I should put some of those tags up to get more visibility from the target audience:

I hope I can inspire some journalists to do something worthwhile for once in their lives.

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It seems that I have missed a whole ton of journalist roasting when I took my eyes away from the fediverse for a day. I can contribute in my own way.

Attention "journalists:" get down on the ground and do 10 pushups. Nothing too much, just a start to the path of not being a low T soyboy who has never put in any real exertion in your life. And no, they don't count if you do the pushups with your knees on the ground. That just means you have a lot of work ahead of you to stop being so pathetic.

Hello Journalists, bluecheckmarks, and other assorted subhumans, I am Shadowman311, fedposter extraordinaire, and a moderator of, the largest instance on the fediverse, since you all are new here and have brains the size of my thumbnail and did absolutely zero research about the fediverse before coming on here allow me to spell it out for you, if you see a user from another instance spouting off things you consider hateful (because you're thin skinned spineless cowards) chances are that users moderators agree with them, and reporting them to said moderators does nothing but spams them with notifications that they will summarily ignore. Please learn how to mute instances, put up with the fact that you all are hated by virtually everyone on the planet, or just give up the ghost and pay big daddy Elon 8 bucks a month for that stupid emoji you love so much. Have a terrible day and a violent death!

If any libshit wants to tell me how it is good that Trump is out of office because they fear authoritarianism, it was not Trump that tried to force me to get the vaxx. The Biden administration did just that.

It also pisses me off how faggots like Trudeau also talk about how they stand against authoritarianism while enacting all the government overreach themselves. Just because the complicit media does not say anything does not mean it is not authoritarian.

I probably will get blocked if I go forward with my plan from Adam Davidson and maybe mastadon social, but that will not matter one bit to me. I have what I want, a template for dealing with others who look like they would struggle to lift an empty barbell off their chest. Get them to have a little more testosterone generated. See? I am beinf helpful.

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Seeing soyboys like Adam Davidson get roasted is funny, but it also gave me an idea. Every time I see a libshit like him, I will ask him if he is capable of doing 10 pushups. A low bar, I know, but it serves as a insult and motivator. If they claim they can do 10 pushups, I demand they do it. It will be the most effort they will have done in years, and that toil might spark some desire for self improvement. Which maybd, just maybe will move the needle away from their own faggotry.

Would you look at that. I think a certain @Tfmonkey said that the climate change agenda was all about getting rid of capitalism.

Is there a tag yet? Now there is.

>double the number of "investigations"
>count people at the January 6th protest as part of the "domestic terrorism" numbers

If we experience a total collapse, never forget how these lying faggot assholes at place like NPR were happy to aide in the tyranny that is currently taking place. "Only domestic terrorists question the election results!"

Even if these limp wristed soyboys and bull dykes manage to survive the initial purge days, they won't last long when people find out about their past.

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