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My theory on the Brazil election with Lula "winning." While there is likely to be CIA fuckery about, I think there is more to it than just wanting to have a leftist puppet. Brazil is currently part of BRICS, which is a threat to the current American-Euro-faggot empire. Brazil itself is not a huge threat, but banded with Russia, China, and India, it is a threat.

Perhaps the deal the CIA has for fortifying the election is having Lula turning BRICS into RICS, thus lessening the overall threat.

Barack Obama provides a good litmus test for figuring out if someone is on the left when it comes to jokes.

Take this recent XKCD comic from that faggot Randall Monroe. Notice how Obama is used as a prop for the "joke" but never really made fun of? If it happens once, not a big deal. But him NEVER actually being made fun of? This shows that you do not have any real substance with your Obama "joke." Might as well have someone else, because his insertion is just pointless.

Times like these do not mean that people should give up on figuring out their finances because they think they do not have a chance, but rather that they now more than ever need to figure out how to manage their money.

This is not to say that this will fix the terrible polices of printing more and more money, but you should do all that you can to make your own situation better. I am also not blaming anyone for struggling at this time. But you should be looking out for your best interests.

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While I am well aware of all the financial difficulties others are having, I cannot say that struggle applies to myself. At our household, we are doing far better off financially than we have ever been doing. Not because things are going great economically, but rather that my wife and I were determined to get our ducks in a row and get rid of our non-mortgage debt and maintain the rate of surplus every month. So we can currently manage paying more for things such as groceries without fear.

Women be like: Noooo I have to spend 58209348 every month on products to make me pretty, and NO! Birth control actually makes your skin look better

Me: Using the ball towel, forgetting to always apply lotion, always get told I look 16 and I have "pretty" skin

Every fat individual who would justify their obesity by appealing to the premise that "it is an evolutionary adaptation to survive times without food" just might get a chance to test that theory out. If they do happen to survive as a result, will they be able to manage their issues with diabetes as well?

Although maybe losing weight might solve the diabetes issue, but I do not know if that is how it works or not.

Yes, I am sure that this propaganda is in fact helping to scare the hell out of Putin and not just a tool to get more money laundered under the guise of "helping Ukraine."

Not exactly serious about this, though I do find it strange that Wikipedia has allowed these Early Life sections to remain up when they otherwise go full blown censorship and gaslighting with other topics. Why leave these sections up? There seems to be something up about this.

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Conspiracy theory: all the Early Life sections that bring up individuals being Jews are all filled out by the ADL themselves. Why? Because those looking for Jewish ancestry (namely the alt right) will get their suspicions confirmed, which helps maintain their hatred against Jews.

Thus, the ADL gets more ammunition to rationalize their own existence. So they have motivation to do the sort of actions to help perpetuate their role as fighting against "anti-Semitism."

So rather than contradict what "the science" would say, they go along to get along. And I know for a fact this can happen because we saw exactly what happened with the Wuhan virus bullshit. Do you think most of the people carrying out all the bullshit policy decisions were doing so because they were getting great kickbacks? No, it was because they were either too scared to be defiant or too shortsighted realize it was all bullshit.

Would that same thing not make sense with climate scientists?

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If you have been studying a field of science your whole life, you have devoted a lot of time and effort into your work. And if you notice anything that does not seem quite right with the premise that humans activity affects the climate drastically? Well, are you going to risk ruining any career prospects going forward by sticking your neck out? Most likely not.

They may be making a living with this field, but it is hardly about the money when you are not really making a significant amount.

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A wildly different example of keeping a lie going but not for the money is with climate science. How much bullshit are we being told decade after decade that this time, we are all going to be past the point of no return and that we have to act now or else we are all doomed? Quite a bit. But is that really all for the money? I am not so sure about that.

I speculate that the problem is that those in that field are in too deep be making any waves against the current prevailing narrative.

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Whether or not she profited from this lie is not important to me. What I see as more important is that she was upheld by the leftist media as someone who was courageous and amazing.

Just think what would happen if she actually succeeded in stopping Kavanaugh from being on the Supreme Court. She would be lauded even more than she already is. And she would know that it was her that caused Kavanaugh not to get on the Supreme Court. Money cannot buy that sort of thing.

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