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The screencap mentions the importance of a woman having children in her 20’s. This is absolutely true. Yes women can have children in their 30’s and even 40’s. But only if their body has already been conditioned by previous pregnancies. The first pregnancies are the hardest. The body is being shaped and adapted to bearing a child. It’s not a simple thing. You can’t recapture your youth. The body goes through phases as it ages. People focus so much on their economic state when planning “having a family.” But they completely overlook their physical state. Money is easier to overcome than time.

@houseoftolstoy Always been interesting to me that they did the same for boys too.

“yer a wizard harry, look, yer actually a millionaire!!!” and all.

Written by women, yeah, but there are so many spiritual women running around that they don’t even need to provide an alternative. The few male-skewed movies we get now are an aberration. John Wick and Top Gun is all I can think of getting for the average normie.

The hero's journey (for women):

1. Be born awesome and amazing

2. Horrible men/the patriarchy hold you back from realizing how awesome and amazing you are

3. Push back against the barriers that those horrible and oppressive men have imposed on you and discover that you were amazing all along without having to put any real work in.

See how bad that type of story is? That is why so many female main character stories suck.

I really hate articles that use the "you're doing X wrong" phrasing, because it makes the blanket assumption that everyone is stupid and wrong. Yes, many people are, but how about not stating it like it applies to everyone?

@PinochetsCommieCopter they had to try and make "saline" sound bad so they said salt water. I hate journos like you wouldn't fucking believe.

Two odds cases I see in the 2022 elections, the Governor's race in Nevada and the Senate race in Wisconsin. I find it odd that these two races went Republican, considering the likely other shenanigans. Did they decide to let those ones be, or did they figure they did not have enough emergency votes to change those results?

a reminder that decades of talmudic propaganda has so effectively divorced perception of sex from its main purpose of procreation that normies value the pleasure and status associated the act so far above its actual purpose it genuinely does not cross their minds

And that is why promiscuity, faggotry, eventually pedophilia, yes even bestiality are treated by a disturbing number of people and institutions as being exactly the same as regular heterosexuality even though we all know instinctively that they are not. It is why you will see homo shit aggressively pushed on kids with the argument of "well why is this not okay if all these depictions of heterosexual relationships are fine?" Many are genuinely so debased that they cannot understand why.

My theory on the Brazil election with Lula "winning." While there is likely to be CIA fuckery about, I think there is more to it than just wanting to have a leftist puppet. Brazil is currently part of BRICS, which is a threat to the current American-Euro-faggot empire. Brazil itself is not a huge threat, but banded with Russia, China, and India, it is a threat.

Perhaps the deal the CIA has for fortifying the election is having Lula turning BRICS into RICS, thus lessening the overall threat.

Barack Obama provides a good litmus test for figuring out if someone is on the left when it comes to jokes.

Take this recent XKCD comic from that faggot Randall Monroe. Notice how Obama is used as a prop for the "joke" but never really made fun of? If it happens once, not a big deal. But him NEVER actually being made fun of? This shows that you do not have any real substance with your Obama "joke." Might as well have someone else, because his insertion is just pointless.

Times like these do not mean that people should give up on figuring out their finances because they think they do not have a chance, but rather that they now more than ever need to figure out how to manage their money.

This is not to say that this will fix the terrible polices of printing more and more money, but you should do all that you can to make your own situation better. I am also not blaming anyone for struggling at this time. But you should be looking out for your best interests.

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While I am well aware of all the financial difficulties others are having, I cannot say that struggle applies to myself. At our household, we are doing far better off financially than we have ever been doing. Not because things are going great economically, but rather that my wife and I were determined to get our ducks in a row and get rid of our non-mortgage debt and maintain the rate of surplus every month. So we can currently manage paying more for things such as groceries without fear.

Women be like: Noooo I have to spend 58209348 every month on products to make me pretty, and NO! Birth control actually makes your skin look better

Me: Using the ball towel, forgetting to always apply lotion, always get told I look 16 and I have "pretty" skin
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