Even when you ask parents if they would be proud of their child if he/she grew up to be President, they would say they would. But being adults themselves, the parents should know better about this sort of thing.
So I will say that I would never want a child of mine to become president. I don't need to wonder how many crimes they have committed to keep themselves in power.
So many kids grow saying things like "when I grow up I want to become President." Little do they know how corrupt our political system is, and more likely than not if you have an real chance of becoming president, you are a scumbag. Nobody keeps themselves in power in a corrupt system by having good moral character.
I have heard rumors about the Jan 6th prisoners, and I am inclined to believe these stories to be true. What irks me is not only that these people are being wrongfully imprisoned and are being mistreated, but also that I have no faith in the people responsible for keeping them locked up will never be held responsible.
Sorry that there is a paywall for this story.
@Tfmonkey I get what you are saying about pullups. It can get overhyped. But there is one useful merit to them, that being it proves you are not too fat for your own body to be able to pull its own weight.
The problems arise when guys are either cheating reps with crap like kipping or some other action to pad their numbers, or when some beanpole has barely any weight to pull in the first place. That makes every claim suspect.
I don't think this necessarily means anything changes, but I have no idea why this is going on:
The two "independent" Senators we already have basically just vote along Democrat lines anyways, so Sinema changing her party affiliation in itself is probably meaningless. But I am wondering if there is some weird behind the scenes action going on, as the political theater itself is never the true story anyways.
If you want to see why m vax mandates are bullshit, check this out.
History will remember this as the time when MILLIONS were killed for no good reason.
WARNING: This will piss you off and don't watch if you know you have a weak stomach
Sometimes one recommendation leads me to another. Much of the video has interesting details about geography, but smack dab in there is some bs propaganda:
"Spain has low birth rate issues because they don't have enough subsidized childcare!"
Yeah, I am sure that all the other European countries that do must have high birthrates, right? Oh wait, they don't? Maybe there is something else that is a factor besides the leftist propaganda of spending more tax dollars.
@Kagekokoro @PunishedD I don’t even quite understand what real purpose it serves. I actually fear that it’s the same hyperreal veneer of bullshit so much else is based on. Twitter doesn’t really matter to the war effort, the days of people passing on actionable intel to either side are largely done…
But -
The roasties, boomers, and fags in charge of these organizations continue to believe everyone on earth is on twitter, so they think it matters. In their heads they’re preaching to 2 billion happy, attentive people from every demo, and their support will keep the government invested and supportive as long as they’re contentedly eating up the spiritual goyslop
Looks like this will be my new home. Warning: I (probably) have Asperger's, so my be prepared for my autism to show through.
I don't think I am a right wing extremist, but I am sure anyone with low testosterone might think otherwise.