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I often find crass humor to be inferior to non-crass humor. Not because of an aversion to "inappropriate" humor, but rather that many who create "adult" jokes rely on shocking the audience with how crude they are rather than any clever wit. The crassness becomes a crutch, and once the shock value wears off, the humor no longer seems as funny.

Not to say that this is the case with all crass humor, but it is more often true than it is not.

I know that my car was technically less capable of driving on icy roads versus an SUV, but still I managed to pass a lot of trucks and SUVs in spite of this fact. Because once you understand that as long as you do not speed up, slow down, turn, or change lanes too fast, you are far less limited than you think when driving on ice. Therefore, me having this knowledge and being able to apply it makes me a better driver than the vast majority of people in icy conditions.

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While too many people think they are "above average" when it comes to things like driving a car, I think I can say that I am indeed better than average in at least one way. I know how to drive on icy roads efficiently while being at virtually no risk of an accident. All you need is to understand the concepts of acceleration and leaving a lot of space ahead of you for other drivers, and you can drive a lot faster than you think. Then you can drive in those conditions without a snails pace.

US generals were busy disobeying direct orders from the President of the United fucking States to leave Syrian territory but yeah Russia and China have the corruption problem
It always irritates the shit out of me when normalfags say things like "Why wasn't I taught x in school instead of algebra!?!?" Nigger are you only capable of "learning" things if you are legally forced to sit in front of a disinterested middle aged white woman and have her show you?


Smells like a whole lot of bullshit here. First, the (supposed) small decrease in the M2 money supply is not going to outweigh the massive increase we just had, and inflation is not really stopping. Second, just because the Fed is looking to sell assets does not mean there will be any buyers. Third, government still spends like a drunken sailor with printed money.

Maybe someone can prove me wrong here, but I just see bullshit.

@CumskinFoidPuncher69420 @PhenomX6 @houseoftolstoy @deprecated_ii @Binkle @creamqueen

The bigger reason for the population crunch in the west is the empowerment of women. When you give women choices, they make them. This sounds controversial to many but when you look at papers talking about how to deal with the 3rd world population booms, empowering women is always at or near the top of the list. But for some reason when you suggest that it’s the reason for first world extinction, people get mad and start calling you an istphobe. Go figure.
Remember what these people did, what happened, and how gleeful they were, mark them down in your book of grudges for a time will come when you can exact every ounce of the hatred and disdain they exacted upon you. Suffer not the neoliberal.
These people are going beyond the normal denominator of being a complete faggot with their meltdowns tonight, we need new words.
That's odd, I thought journos were adamant that "it's a private platform and they can do what they want" when it was people they disliked getting banned.

They've been crying about trust and safety for the past month! Here -- They're getting exactly what they asked for! What's the problem?
>my enemies are imperialists who want to take land by force and think they are superior to everyone

>my (gay) version of socialism must be GLOBAL (take the world by force) because it’s superior to everyone

Congrats, you’re just a gayer version of your enemies.


Even when you ask parents if they would be proud of their child if he/she grew up to be President, they would say they would. But being adults themselves, the parents should know better about this sort of thing.

So I will say that I would never want a child of mine to become president. I don't need to wonder how many crimes they have committed to keep themselves in power.

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So many kids grow saying things like "when I grow up I want to become President." Little do they know how corrupt our political system is, and more likely than not if you have an real chance of becoming president, you are a scumbag. Nobody keeps themselves in power in a corrupt system by having good moral character.

I have heard rumors about the Jan 6th prisoners, and I am inclined to believe these stories to be true. What irks me is not only that these people are being wrongfully imprisoned and are being mistreated, but also that I have no faith in the people responsible for keeping them locked up will never be held responsible.

Sorry that there is a paywall for this story.

@Tfmonkey I get what you are saying about pullups. It can get overhyped. But there is one useful merit to them, that being it proves you are not too fat for your own body to be able to pull its own weight.

The problems arise when guys are either cheating reps with crap like kipping or some other action to pad their numbers, or when some beanpole has barely any weight to pull in the first place. That makes every claim suspect.

the concept that women are fucked up but men have to contort themselves to attract them anyway because men are the ones with more agency is fundamentally flawed, because the reward on offer is not actually a quality woman. it's a fucked up woman

so, the men who are going to play the dancing clown to attract women are the ones who are fine with that reward, because they don't want to keep her around, they just want to fuck her a few times and move on to the next. it's completely predictable with a few moments' thought

the problem at its core *is* a lack of quality women, and individual men have no power at all to change that

and contrary to popular wisdom it was not men who kept women more or less in line historically, but other women. the social structures women built to police themselves were not imposed by men to begin with, and won't be imposed by men again. it's not that men *can't* police women, but that arrangement is an entirely different one
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A club for red-pilled exiles.