No, I am not repulsively ugly, nor am I an incel (given that I am married). And I have had women attracted to me (in some cases I did not know about it right away). But if you are going to be disingenuous when it comes to relationships, I don't think my brand of autism is going to be very appealing to deal with. I am going to be far more than those women bargained for. Might not be true for other autists, but I think it might be for me.
I have often wondered how I have been strangely immune to ever having to deal with a truly toxic women in relationships. I speculate that it has to do with my Asperger's. Not because of any ability on my end conferred with said autism, but rather that I think my autism created protection mechanism that made having a relationship with me far too costly if you were just going to try and use me. Sometimes aspects that are otherwise detriments have positive sides to it.
What I really despise about much of the controlled opposition right is that they will get all up in arms about how the Twitter files revealed that there was cover ups about Hunter Biden laptop and Covid, but they will not even raise the question whether or not this would also extend to election rigging.
"Sure, they lied about those things, but they would never lie about THAT!"
Yes, they are controlled opposition, but those who follow them are should really start questioning if they should.
If you have any New Years resolutions, just cancel them. You should not be waiting until some date that everyone else uses to propose changes to their lives they will never keep. Any resolution change you want should be something you adopt right away, not when the rest of the normies do it.
I doubt I will see an influx of new gym members at the place I go to, as it is not a Planet Fatness. It is not horribly expensive, but it is enough to make those who are not committed hesitant to sign up.
I don't know if these people are simply too delusional to realize that businesses do not just operate on autopilot or if they realize the risks but are too unwilling to do it themselves, but running a business is by no means guaranteeing that you will be wealthy. Often, it can become a liability if the business fails.
But commies are often too busy looking up at the successful businesses to see all those that did not make it. They are blind to the risk necessary for success.
Commies are just like boomer bosses:
"If I don't see it with my own eyes, how do I know you are working?"
The boomer boss uses this as justification against you working a job you could do remotely, but commies simply do not understand there is more to running a restaurant than taking orders and making the food. Same goes with any other business operation, more happens that just what can be immediately and obviously observed.
One thing that bothers me when talking with commies/socialists about business profits is their lack of understanding with the downsides of being the owners. That is, being an owner means that you must deal with the losses as well as the profits. But too many commies seem to think that all businesses are guaranteed to be making money and think that all profits should be evenly distributed among the workers. Never do they consider what happens in their model when the business is not profitable.
I often find crass humor to be inferior to non-crass humor. Not because of an aversion to "inappropriate" humor, but rather that many who create "adult" jokes rely on shocking the audience with how crude they are rather than any clever wit. The crassness becomes a crutch, and once the shock value wears off, the humor no longer seems as funny.
Not to say that this is the case with all crass humor, but it is more often true than it is not.
I know that my car was technically less capable of driving on icy roads versus an SUV, but still I managed to pass a lot of trucks and SUVs in spite of this fact. Because once you understand that as long as you do not speed up, slow down, turn, or change lanes too fast, you are far less limited than you think when driving on ice. Therefore, me having this knowledge and being able to apply it makes me a better driver than the vast majority of people in icy conditions.
While too many people think they are "above average" when it comes to things like driving a car, I think I can say that I am indeed better than average in at least one way. I know how to drive on icy roads efficiently while being at virtually no risk of an accident. All you need is to understand the concepts of acceleration and leaving a lot of space ahead of you for other drivers, and you can drive a lot faster than you think. Then you can drive in those conditions without a snails pace.
Smells like a whole lot of bullshit here. First, the (supposed) small decrease in the M2 money supply is not going to outweigh the massive increase we just had, and inflation is not really stopping. Second, just because the Fed is looking to sell assets does not mean there will be any buyers. Third, government still spends like a drunken sailor with printed money.
Maybe someone can prove me wrong here, but I just see bullshit.
Looks like this will be my new home. Warning: I (probably) have Asperger's, so my be prepared for my autism to show through.
I don't think I am a right wing extremist, but I am sure anyone with low testosterone might think otherwise.