After finishing Tears of the Kingdom, I was curious if there were any alternate endings of any sort (there were not any really). Then I found this and was reminded why game journalists are so despised.
"Boo hoo, this fantasy game does not have a message that conforms to my faggy libshit politics!"
This is the kind of writer that wishes he was a "real journalist," but could not even hack it as that. So he spews his shit under the guise of being a "game journalist."
Well, do you believe them?
I recall police have body cams. Do the FBI? If not, they should.
I need to find one of those "we shouldn't have statues of Confederate generals because we should not celebrate losers!" so I can ask him if we should start tearing down Native American statues. After all, if you don't like celebrating losers, we should take down their statues, because they lost too.
"Who cares if they are misusing a meme, it's just an ad!"
No, garbage should not exist. If you are trying to appeal to an audience with a meme format, you should assume that they are familiar with the meme. Otherwise why use it?
Not that I was going to use the product, but I am less convinced when they are this incompetent and retarded.
Another reason to hate NPR. You might think an interview with a North Korean defector may be interesting. But what do they do with such an opportunity? Ask questions about Covid.
But why? Not because there is much knowledge that will be gained here, but rather they want to imply that only EVIL AUTHORITARIANS do NOTHING about the "global pandemic."
How about you fuck off instead of trying to tell me that somehow the government NOT shoving a dick up my ass is rape?
@Tfmonkey If a woman really wants sex, she will put aside any bullshit excuse. But when she doesn't, any bullshit excuse may be used. After all, many husband's are either working longer hours or doing outside housework such as lawn mowing. Do those contributions count? Generally not. Because it is not about fairness or truth, but just a distraction from the issue that the woman does not want to uphold her marriage vows.
@Tfmonkey This of course is still just a tactic to shame men into "contributing more" to housework. This of course does not actually succeed because the women are once again looking for an excuse to moralizing why they will not have sex with their husbands. Make it "his fault," and she can dodge the question about why she is not doing what she is supposed to as a wife by having sex with her husband regularly.
Part 2
@Tfmonkey I recall one of your shows discussed choreplay. But I think somewhere along the way there was a fundamental misunderstanding of what it was supposed to mean (not by you but those like r/femaledatingstrategy trying to weaponize it). Originally, the premise was that they were telling men that their wives were too tired to have sex due to how many chores they do around the house. So help your wife with chores and she will have more energy for sex!
Part 1
I am not Australian, so I cannot say how strong the coercion and propaganda was for Aussies. What I do know is the "no one forced you to take it" is a load of bullshit.
Take one guess if you think the state affiliated media mentioned his age or physical condition. Hint: they want you to think the FBI goon squad was justified in their assault.
It is often not what is said, but what is not said that is telling about what these shitlibs want their audience to think is true.
Looks like this will be my new home. Warning: I (probably) have Asperger's, so my be prepared for my autism to show through.
I don't think I am a right wing extremist, but I am sure anyone with low testosterone might think otherwise.