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@Tfmonkey though either way, these women are having less kids as a result. So having women pursue more college for more years does indeed decrease the total number of births, regardless of the thought process or reasoning.

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@Tfmonkey I have a theory on the whole fertility intentions study with men and women. I do not doubt the answers are accurate, but I suspect that the more highly educated women have a sour grapes mentality. That is, it is not that they do not want more children, it is that they cannot have as many children as they originally wanted due to being older, so they claim "I only wanted 1 kid anyways" as it is easier than admitting that they squandered their fertile years chasing more degrees.

No, this will not solve many problems. But it will solve one problem having old bags of bones hold office even when they are not really able to do their job properly. Granted, politicians doing less would be an overall benefit, but they are getting paid fairly well so I guess I should expect something.

Other small fixes can and should be made. Even small steps can help. But we are probably screwed anyways, though the least we can do is try.

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There should be a clause in holding elected office that each official needs to be able to move under their own power to their seat to be eligible to hold office. This does not exclude those who are wheelchair bound, as those who can wheel themselves or even use their own wrist to control their wheelchair.

What we don't need is someone like Diane Feinstein who not only cannot manage to move herself but also does not seem to have any awareness of what is going on.

Every law is signed with a bullet. Every one. Yes, even the one you're thinking of that proves I'm wrong. People have been killed by the state for not complying with laws as innocuous as selling loose cigarettes or not cutting their lawns. Every law is a potential threat: "Do this thing, or the state might kill you".

Some people want to make politeness the law. "You should be doing this anyway, it's just polite!" -- Well it isn't politeness if it's signed with a bullet.

In the past, we have had people you had to be polite to under penalty of law. They were the aristocracy. Nobles or samurai could have commoners punished if they were disrespected. People did die for disrespecting the aristocracy.

At that time, the aristocracy wrote stories to explain why they ought to be respected under penalty of law. They explained that they descended directly from God or heroes, that the people protected were specifically deserving of their station as protected.

It bothers me a lot, that people don't realize you shouldn't put a gun to someone's head and say "Be nice". It bothers me that people want to create a new aristocracy.

Some stuff just shouldn't be part of the state. "Everything is part of the state, nothing outside the state" (paraphrased) is literally fascist doctrine stated by Mussolini.
@ImperialAgent they think near-surface water temperatures increasing by a fraction of a degree is going to result in extremely violent storms and rogue waves, changing ocean currents, all kinds of crap that's going to make ocean shipping much more dangerous and expensive

not only is that totally unsupported nonsense, but the trend in ocean temperatures they're trying to display comes from often-falsified data, and the real data is almost useless because it's so sparse and has such a large margin of error

in short it's just another part of the fearmongering global warming grift

Part 3 - Final

Despite this final warning, the merchants continued on their way. Just as the man said, the donkey collapsed, unable to move any more. And the merchants were unable to sell any of the merchandise they had on the donkey, and instead completed their journey empty handed.


Does this story remind you of anything?

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Part 2

After some discussion, the merchants tell the man, "You are right that the load is too much for the donkey to carry. But the things are too heavy for us to carry and we cannot agree which things to take off of the donkey. Every piece of merchandise is too important to leave behind. So we must continue just as we were."

"The donkey shall surely die before you make it to your destination, and you will have none of the merchandise make it." the man replied.

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Part 1

A man is traveling by foot when he sees a party of merchants walking in the opposite direction. With that party is a donkey who is heavily burdened with all the merchandise. The man noticing the donkey ready to collapse, states, "That donkey is carrying too much! Take off some of those things so that he does not die from exhaustion!"

The merchants take a look at the donkey and see that the man is correct. They start to discuss among themselves what they should do.

I previously thought that Covid had been dropped by everyone as something relevant. But apparently, I was wrong, as I got one family member talking about how "the new variant is out there" and "we just don't know how that will affect things."

I said nothing. Because there is no point trying to save someone that deep. If they are boosted (a pretty safe bet), then we will see if they are doomed. I don't think everyone who took the vaxx is necessarily doomed, but I sure as shit won't take it.

haha, we’re so far gone skanks with a half dozen men’s seed coursing through their pipes are thinking they’re closer to being chase virgins than streetwalkers.


This right here is a direct example of what I am talking about. Not content with his current status of having to write about video games to be a "journalist," he feels the strong need to bring up politics when it is one of the very things you do NOT want to have discussed when you want a break from dwelling on things such as politics.

It's just a game, you pathetic soyboy. It is not supposed to be a deep political commentary. But you just can't not be a faggot for a moment, can you?

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After finishing Tears of the Kingdom, I was curious if there were any alternate endings of any sort (there were not any really). Then I found this and was reminded why game journalists are so despised.

"Boo hoo, this fantasy game does not have a message that conforms to my faggy libshit politics!"

This is the kind of writer that wishes he was a "real journalist," but could not even hack it as that. So he spews his shit under the guise of being a "game journalist."

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