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One theory I am willing to accept as possibly being true is Hitler not actually dying during WWII but rather that he escaped to another country such as Argentina. Who was it that claimed to have found his dead body? The Soviets? You mean those same people that became our enemy for the next 5 decades? Is it possible they lied to us? I would not be surprised by that.

I keep having to point this thing out to old boomer guys, where they think we’ve lived in anything close to their world and got the same read on history. I’ve heard them talk about how “Well nobody really knows about the Tuskegee airmen, they never got credit” and “yeah nobody appreciates Amelia Earhart….” and they never wrap their heads around the fact that those entities are ALL my generation learned about. Nobody learned about Gabby Gabreski or Carlos Hathcock, we learned ONLY about the women and browns throughout every phase of american history.

Civil war lessons in high school entirely omitted anything about the fighting men except for some negro legion that managed to fight a small fraction of the war. Probably just so we could watch that shitty movie in class with tiger woods (or a sufficiently similar black)

But having old guys expecting me to have been taught the same things they were in 1965 is hilarious

@Rudolf_von_Goldenbaum @IgnorantHussy That's right. California voted to keep gay marriage illegal in 2008. CALIFORNIA. Most states did in fact, which is why the supreme court eventually had to step in.
Vast majority of the population was against it just 10 years ago, yet the moment the courts force it through Republicans stop talking about it altogether. National legalization only happened in 2015. 2015!
Fun game: try to remember the last time a Republican talked about banning gay marriage. Betcha can't.

From this image, you can see that gay marriage legalization literally spread out from New York.

familiar pattern: slaughter the chickens > run out of food you can enter the circle of happiness any time, come and play goyim

It doesn't take much to convince me that religious people will have lower divorce rates and happier marriages.

However this article seems to be making the claim that marrying young is the secret, and I think it's far more likely that marrying young and staying together are both just traits of religious people. So the real secret is faith.
"Look, okay, Christian Tradition may have been scientifically proven right again, but you all are still evil because you don't like it when I rape children"

Death is always inevitable, and it should always be understood as such. The songs of Ring around the Rosie and Rock-a-Bye baby were rather lighthearted about the idea (a baby falling from a tree could indeed be deadly). But today, if you have one person die, people think the whole world should stop to try to prevent that.

But what if, just think for a moment, they were going to die and there was nothing that could be done to prevent it? Should we panic over what we will never be able to stop?

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With all the mantra of "if it will save just one life," it shows that way too many people are afraid of death. To the point that they think that it must be mitigated at all cost (though with many of the same people abortion is apparently a-okay).

It reminds me of a Shadiveristy video where he mentioned children's songs being rather morbid, showing that the attitude about death has not always been one that is in constant distress. People way back accepted death far better than we do today.

Sometimes you don't dodge the bullet, but rather it misses you.

>Despite ​Japan's attempts in recent years to encourage people to have more children — including promises of financial bonuses and better benefits — birthrates in the country have been in continuous decline for 14 years.

It's almost like coaxing and bribing policies don't bring up birth rates. Let's just try to do it harder! That will surely work! And when the fertility rate goes up by .1, we will cheer and celebrate.

@Tfmonkey Some thoughts I had with your theory on the natural gas price being manipulated. I think there is a connection with that and the government floating a ban on gas stoves. That might just be a tell that they are indeed manipulating the market, and they are looking for ways to prevent more use of gas. Sure, there was no ban yet, but they are hoping to scare people from even buying a gas stove or to get rid of their existing one.

Not saying this is going to help, but it's the government.

It is not exactly shocking that France is on the verge of having riots, as it is part and parcel to modern French culture. Apparently, changing the pension retirement age by 2 years is enough of a reason to have uproar.

If this plan is pushing people over the line, how much worse would things be with actual cuts to entitlements/welfare?

This is the perfect example of why we are going to hit the wall at full speed instead of fixing the problems with government spending.

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