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For all pain that can come from seeing the ugly truth of reality, there is one positive benefit that comes from it. You will have already priced in a lot of bad events that may come, and will be less likely to be shocked as a result.

For those like me who are living in the US, we may find our standard of living go down with our and other governments going full retard on the world stage. But we will not be caught off guard nearly as much as the libtards who think the US is still on top.

Sure is a shame kids in france got stabbed. Real shame.

people have trouble adjusting their mindset to new conditions, and this whole "yeah but the crew survived so it's no big deal" thing is an example of it

it's great if your *highly trained and experienced* crew survives and you can get them in another vehicle, because those years of experience are harder to replace than a tank or IFV. that's how things are in the US military, we have a surplus of equipment and units are always short on manpower

but if your crew is a bunch of tards who learned to operate the vehicle last week and they lose it on their first mission, and you're short on vehicles, you're a lot better off losing the crew than the vehicle if you can choose

of course there are morale implications and concerns over the value of human life and blah blah blah but from a logical "winning the war" perspective, that's just how it is

and yeah, losing a company worth of armor in one spot in a matter of hours is a pretty big fuck up, guy
People continually misrepresent forest fires. They think there's a "fire issue" because there's some forest fires right now.

Canada has massive forests. There is no "fire issue" because forest fires are normal in massive forests. It's not a change, it's how things are.

I'm presently at the site of a major forest fire quite a few years back. It was really bad, nothing left. Today, it's a boreal forest with a developing deciduous forest starting to take over. How? Well, forest fires are normal -- so normal that tree seeds have evolved over countless millennia to require forest fires. The seeds are activated by the fire, which left a nutrient rich ash behind, and the trees start to grow. Many of them shoot up incredibly quickly.

Some people think these fires were cased by arson. Could arson be the cause of this particular fire? Maybe. I don't know, I wasnt there. But it actually doesn't matter. If it didn't catch on fire today it would be tomorrow. Only people in cities who have never lived in nature think forest fires are unusual.

Forest fires are normal and part of the natural lifecycle of the forest, and acting like forest fires are some sort of unusual event or issue or indicator that anthropomorphic climate change is going to wipe out humanity tomorrow and we need to triple the climate tax again is just showing ignorance of nature.

Another thing I just thought of, the whole "who blew up the dam" question. Yes, it was probably Ukraine. But why?

To hurt the Russians? No, I have a different theory. It gives them an excuse to not go forward with the "Spring Offensive."

"We were totally going to go hard on those Russians this spring! But those assholes blew up the damn! Going under those conditions would be a disaster!"

Thus, they can cancel the plans that they knew would fail while not admitting they would just lose.

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Doing my daily recon of libshitprop (NPR), and I heard the mention of the Spring offensive "might have already started." Silliest thing ever. There should not be any doubt if an offensive has started. If it is not obvious and the Ukrainian army is starting the operation in secret, then they have not started their offensive.

Just another example of "just trying to make it to Friday" propaganda. They do not want to admit that Ukraine's "offensive" will not amount to jack.

the reason I'm so cynical when it comes to "new technology" is none of our problems are going to be solved with new technology

we don't need new technology, we need to properly use the technology we already have. have had, in fact, for longer than I've been alive. but we refuse to do so
If you're a college educated professional and 10k in debt forgiveness is going to fundamentally change your life, then you fucked up.

@houseoftolstoy I think of it like a multilayered cult pyramid, where the top floors have no real faith in the tenets they write, but use their priestly caste to pull the strings of the true believers on the lower third of the structure.

In the past, when their liberal ideology was less prominent in their follower’s lives, the doublethink was easy to handwave. But now, the contradictions, the missteps, the constant “just this once” rulings are piling up and causing a lot of stress for an increasingly harried, psychotic, and medicated follower caste. Women like this are the dutiful true believers, and I foresee a lot of “ataxic governance” in our future, where the masters try to exert their will using people like her only to find they’re increasingly going off-book and ignoring orders when they cut against the holy faith.

Great little clip circulating that shows you the future of governance: Informal hen’s networks of women playing follow-the-leader. Things have already worked like this for a long time, but women are going to be far and beyond the worst at bringing it into the workplace.

THIS is why you get mass banwaves for certain targets, where multiple platforms carry out coordinated strikes while their execs play dumb. It’s just fat broads texting each other behind the scenes. This is the kind of thing I wish we could cultivate, but we’ve ceded every battlefield of worth to her kind, and those of us who ARE in those trenches insist on playing by the rules (out of fear that the other side somehow honors their restraint)

I have recently been breaking my overhead press stall. Feels great, but I am puzzled. Not sure I am really doing anything differently, but I can see the results.

Maybe the progress was happening the whole time, but it was just too gradual to see.

I know all euphemisms are just dancing around bullshit, but this particular one bothers me:

"live at home"

We all know it means that you are living with your parents. Clearly you are ashamed to say that, but you don't want to admit that. Give any reason you want for why, the fact remains that you are trying to hide this fact.

I know there are valid reasons for having to live with your parents. But when you try and conceal that detail, it tells me you do not have a good reason.

@Elliptica @Nou @TrevorGoodchild @sickburnbro Yeah, they actually believe this as everything slides leftward and anyone vaguely right wing is deplatformed, cancelled and labeled "fascist."

I care not whether a politician "cares" about me or not, or whether they live by their proclaimed values. What I do care about is how much are they interfering with my life.

As useless as Republicans are, they generally do not interfere with what I want to do. Democrats, on the other hand, do.

Obviously Rinos are in the same boat as Democrats many times in terms of messing with my life. So I really do not win even if I vote straight Republican. Still, the lesser evil is still usually less bad.

I agree but not for the reasons he's implying.

Every time you add a new layer of abstraction you reduce how much control you have over the system, and reduce what you can do with it. That's what an abstraction does, it takes a lot of complexity and reduces it to a few controls.

Going from a rich GUI to a voice interface is going to narrow the possibilities dramatically. For most people it won't really matter because they weren't using their computers for anything but twitter, gmail, and microsoft word in the first place. But people who grow up with such a system will be helpless with a computer, much worse than the "don't know what a file system is" zoomers.
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