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This sums up most peoples “problem solving skills”

Unless the problem is actively happening they don’t understand why they need to do anything about it.

Tags: historical_perspective, quote, race, christianity, immigration, refugees, religion, subversion, women
Source: The booru is down for now
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I do not call for our government to become benevolent and "do more" to address issues. Rather, I would prefer they piss off and leave people more alone and allow people to solve problems more or less on their own. Some subsidiarity would be great, so that if there is a problem with criminals in your area, you can get others in your area to address the issue without these assholes impeding progress so that they can do jack shit to address the issues.

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When I see articles like this, I come to understand that our government has the capability to go after real criminals and put a stop to a lot of issues that we currently have, but they choose not to. Rather, they prioritize other things, like "suspects" who were not even there.

On the other hand, they will of course let every arsonist and murderer during the BLM protestors off scot-free.

Remember, our government is evil and hates you.

Really dumb to have a smart home.

My microwave just works.
My refrigerator just works.
My coffee machine just works.
My air conditioner just works.

There's literally no reason for products like these to be connected to the internet. Ever. They're not video games. They shouldn't need updates.

So if you ever wonder "where is the anti-war left when Obama is dropping bombs on foreign countries?" they are probably out there protesting all the same. It is just that they are only amplified as "important" by the media when it is convenient to their narrative.

This applies for many, many other issue, because it turns out that leftist useful idiots are no longer important once the left has power.

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Something about what was said in this video is worth bringing up. Not whether or not she is an idiot for being a communist, but the "I protested against Obama" part.

I do not doubt that she did. The reason why those like Piers Morgan do not believe her is because when she was protesting Obama, it got ignored because she was not useful to the leftist establishment. They only care to highlight such protests when someone on the right is in power.

And in some cases, there are people who are simply apathetic to politics. When I first talked to these people who simply chose to write in Mickey Mouse or any other fictional character for President, I used to get upset because "their vote could have made a difference." But now, I realize that they are by no means any problem. Especially not compared to those who are the low-information type that keep voting for more freebees from the government.

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Whenever I hear "if you have a problem with it, you need to vote," they fail to understand that many of the problems cannot be voted away. Along with that, they never should have been problems that would have been brought to a vote in the first place. That is, government should have remained less of a factor in our lives, thus making the vote "less critical."

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Even when voting is counted fairly and all that, in most cases one vote means very little with the vast number of votes. Though this is more of a size of population issue rather than democracy/republicanism itself.

Also, getting the most votes for a candidate/issue does not mean that the outcome is actually the best. Rather, it is just the outcome that is most popular.

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This is not say that other forms of government that do not have voting are really better. Rather, I am saying that voting currently is not really solving problems that it claims it should do. Too often we have judges overturn the votes of the people (see: all the states that voted against gay marriage as amendments, California going from Red to Blue because a judge overturned a vote from the people).

And we cannot even trust that our votes are even being counted properly either.

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Voting in itself is one of the biggest and silliest memes there is. That is, the idea that the vote is sacred and doing so is "doing your duty as a citizen." It really is not nearly that special and not something that you should feel like is an obligation if you do not have a strong enough interest or investment in the outcomes or if you see it as pointless.

Yet, we are told time and time again with "get out the vote" campaigns how special and important it is to do so.

If you had any "New Years Resolutions" just forget it. You should have been making changes to your life before some arbitrarily decided calendar date and all that. Most people who make such resolutions abandon them the moment the feelgood rush wears out and they find out that they never wanted to commit to real changes.

When I started getting into lifting, it was not due to some resolution around a new year. It was at some time when I realized I should be making myself stronger.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @Terry reads like a snopes debunking
>Saying it's 55% is wrong
>It's only 46.5% bigot

Women who think "I would be treated better and be respected if I were a man" do not understand that men do not automatically get respect. It has to be earned. Women, on the other hand, get better treatment than most men do just for being women. They do not have the perspective of what it would mean to earn respected status.

But they are correct that they sense that they are not held as at high of esteem as the top men. Because we all know they did not need to put in effort for most of them.

Colorado was just meant to start the trend. The regime is very shook.

For context, understand that polls show Trump doing well even in swing states. Concern over the economy & the reality of real world price inflation (not the faggot government statistic) that people actually see in their costs is at the top of people's minds during this election. Dems know if economic circumstances are bad, people vote against the incumbent. The desperation is real. They're just blatantly rigging the election

Something that was pointed out recently was that the idea that Third Worlders want to come to White countries because they're nicer to live in fail to fully acknowledge that the reason they are like that is because the environment was deliberately made nicer to live in. Diseases were eradicated through public policies and as a result endemic pathogens like Yellow Fever and Malaria were​ removed from the environment. Virginia went from a place where 20% of the population died in the summer during colonization from malaria to just a nice place to live because of pesticides and draining wetlands. With uncontrolled immigration reintroducing diseases wiped out decades, sometimes centuries prior, things can revert back really quickly.
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