
White boys, watch out. This is how the government wants white people to rejoin the military.

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@Indignation @kaiservenom this is the modern day version of the WW2 women handing out flowers to men who did not sign up for war, problem is that this is working extremely well with the normies.

@37712 @kaiservenom They are going back in coffins or permanently crippled.
If not, they will be divorced, raped, or self deleted.
These cucks and white knights will die against the Russians, the Chinese, and the Islamic resistance.
I hope they enjoyed those black tits, at least. If they got a doll and listened to TFM, they would be alive.

@VeganMGTOW @37712 @kaiservenom her black pussy doesn’t discriminate, it accepts people of all colors and backgrounds. That’s the beauty of liberal black pussy it’s open for everyone.

@Indignation @37712 @kaiservenom But I mean Who is appel more You have to admit that isn't the type that Even Commies white men feel attract to steriotypes arent coincidence.

@VeganMGTOW @37712 @kaiservenom

1-Trans men who support Ukraine, and Israel, and Taiwan. The kind that use Reddit and watch CNN, etc…

2- God fearing, freedom loving, Jew cock sucking, proud traditional aMericah people. *They are totally not racist*

@VeganMGTOW @Indignation @kaiservenom most men even white suprem racist would love to bang a bich like her, she does not have the monkey face (no ofense tfm) she has huge fucking melons and she gives the appearance of being a friendly woman. This appeals to all races.

@37712 @Indignation @kaiservenom Speak For yourself I would never Bang a Morbidly Obese woman like SHE is disgusting.

But is ok having diferent preference.

@kaiservenom is it just me or has anyone else noticed that there is an awful lot of pro US military videos and shorts on youtube and now we even have ethots promoting the military. @Tfmonkey have you noticed this as well?

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