@kaiservenom and if socialism does replace capitalism then most people will starve to death or become a permanent underclass.

really, the only difference between the outcomes is that the useless will suffer that fate in capitalism, and everyone outside of the party suffers that fate in socialism. that and capitalism leads to better cheaper tech, while socialism just leads to decay, rationing and gulags.

@Stahesh I get the locker ones... but the jogger? what's that got to do with privacy? women get attacked all the time jogging by everyone. crazy people gonna crazy

@zebuceta he thought you were in the lulag. mission was away for a while too. he just recently came back

@zebuceta everyone's been wondering where you went. mission thought you were taken by lulu

zeb!!!! why aren't you in monkey chat anymore?

@houseoftolstoy I don't wear sweatpants when I go out, my junk sticks out too much, and I'm wary of the gays

@basedbagel and simps are male "losers", as in the weak of society. they ought not to have political power either, which is why a net tax payer system is better than just "women can't vote", because losers will always outnumber winners, so losers who have no skin in the game ought not to have a say.

this would naturally exclude the vast majority of women, as they can't survive without welfare.

@basedbagel though, yes, there is always a risk when allowing women to be educated. the first feminist writers resulted from that.

BUT, so long as they aren't allowed to vote, then there's no problem. they can wine about inequality all they want, but won't get anywhere.

the problem is when simps give in to women, in which case, nothing matters, because the simps would let them get educated anyway.


where'd you get that impression?

I just think some of your ideas aren't exactly all that practical. I'm more a fan of TFM's kind of system, like a net tax payer. it's gender blind and anyone who can make it can make it.

nature takes care of the rest, as most women cannot make it on their own.

you're just exaggerating the role of college, and downplaying welfare and women voting. women had college in the 1800s, but it wasn't until they got the vote that things went bad.

"Women being able to go to college and provide for themselves without a man WILL NOT GET MARRIED OR HAVE KIDS.

Then we are fucked because someone will have to take care of these women when they get older. " -you

but your whole complaint was that the women that goes and works wouldn't be able to take care of herself later in life.

"and no, no one has to take care of them, that's called welfare, and charities can take care of that anyway." - me

and I'm the one that didn't care.

"Then we are fucked because someone will have to take care of these women when they get older.

Women lack the foresight/fiscal responsibility for long term thinking like retirement."

so, why wouldn't they blow that life insurance money right away?

@Larzzzz @mutageno I know, I'm just poking fun.

though, 20's is more zoomer than millenial

"NO WOMAN can provide for himself without indirect/direct support from a man. Live with a woman and you will quickly find this out.

They can't maintain things like cars/houses alone when they are older and will cry for someone to take care of them.

Women MUST be taken care of. This is the way the world is."

the point is to address this, and life insurance doesn't provide a man.


women tend to outlive men, so even if she finds a man, she'll probably outlive him, and then needs someone to take care of her in her old age.

ponit is, they provide the same "needs someone to take care of them" issue that the few women that go to college would have, and they'd be slightly less common.

barren women are women who for whatever reason cannot have children.

no, I'd say it's the base of the iceberg, and everything above water, that you see, is a consequence of women voting.

women voting is the source of every problem you've touched on. if women were never able to vote, they'd never have been issues.

and a few women who go to college won't be able to take care of themselves in old age? what about barren women? who will take care of them?

there's plenty of charities for that kind of thing. most women will be married with kids.

@basedbagel you didn't respond to me here... 😓

and yes, if you want to live in rural 1200s or something, but that's still a functioning society. the bare minimum. everything else is superfluous. I like it, but it's not exactly essential

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