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@thendrix @caekislove @CoQ_10 Sounds like an improvement compared to the current state. I'll take it.

@Mongoliaboo Being asexual is like... not cool lol. Idk about "best."

@thendrix @caekislove @CoQ_10 That's acceptable. Whereas living long term in wokeland is not acceptable.

@thendrix @caekislove @CoQ_10 I'd rather have civil war than have woke society continue. Vote left. Death to this godless fag society.

@Richard that movie had great vibes for otherwise having such a woke cast

@binkle little late for that lol. Plus first time? Making a lot of assumptions here.

@CoQ_10 @caekislove @thendrix I can't imagine trump would do anything to hurt their interests anyway, why bother

Anime cracks me up. So anon, there's a big tiddy elf girl in her panties in your bedroom, and she's going - you wouldn't by any chance want to FUCK, would you anon? And the dude just goes: NO. I only care about the plot mission. :DisappointedPepe:

Are you for real nigger? This is a high school character? No wonder he got outcast.

@Fullmetal2255 what makes you think they haven't already? It's not like they couldn't return to help out if they wanted to.

@mao_yat That username indicates he's insincere on an otherwise decent take

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